tarot, tarot, everywhere


I'm suddenly noticing tarot everywhere. I started watching an anime series called Hyper Police, and one of the characters is constantly reading people's cards. I got bored and started watching Buffy reruns, and got the episodes where Drusilla's always checking things with her cards whilst Spike is plotting. I flip through one of my old G&L fashion mooks and see the "day in gothic life" where she tells her fortune for the coming day. "I got the Empress again. I guess I'll have a good day." I know there've been others I've noticed lately, but I can't remember. Doh. >_<

I'm pretty sure I'm noticing tarot in media a lot now because I've gotten into it so much... I never realized exactly how much tarot was all around. Anybody else get this happening when you got into tarot?


Slightly off topic, but in a seminar I went to today, the lecturer used "a tiger chewing your leg" as a metaphor for a situation that could relate to The Fool very well. I really wanted to say "why did you pick that example?" :)

It's strange the things you notice that never used to mean anything to you.



Just saw a rerun of Dharma & Gregg posted this in another thread. Dharma's mom does a read for Greg w/Rider-Waite Deck. Also, have been attending a local lecture series re:Jung and personality types. The person giving the lecture is a psychiatrist who uses R/W special read he does for help with his patients. Must be synchronicity! Maybe Tarot will become more popular than Starbucks. (Well I can dream can't I-he-he).