Your Apocalypse Tarot


:bugeyed: Then I think I'd have to put all of them under the chicken coop 'til the federales left at least, then maybe another couple months for good measure (maybe taking the DoB out for a visit every now and again). If not there, then somewhere on this fifty acres. I've got lots of hiding places - I tell everyone, "Don't piss me off. I have fifty acres and a backhoe."

I just had another idea. I have numerous pecan trees and just as many squirrels. Their nests are clumps of dead tree branches with dead leaves still on them woven into thin branch tips way up high. I could make a fake squirrel's nest and put them in there. Or train a squirrel to do it! There ya' go! (Did I ever tell you about my pet squirrel Lucky?)

Where else ... underneath the horse manure pile maybe. If I still had my Longhorn cattle, I could bury them in their pasture - nobody ever went in there. I didn't even need one of those signs that says, "The bull can make it to the fence in nine seconds. Can you?"

I bet I could find a really waterproof bag/box/can to weight down and sink in the bottom of the creek, too, though I'd better be sure to move it out come spring and flash flood season. During those times, bet I can put them under the BIG grove of prickly pear - prolly wouldn't even have to bury them if I had a camouflaged box (not the goofy store-bought kind, but homemade like the aforementioned squirrel's nest camo). It'd even be worth the rash to bury them in a poison ivy thicket, one of the many I have. *sigh*

Man, sounds like in the Tarot Apocalypse, y'all should come live with me! I've got lots of hidey-holes. But bring shovels. LeFanu, if you come, bring three - on second thought, for you, I'll just gas up the backhoe...