need pointing in the right direction!


hi without making this too long and boring ill try to get to the point quickly.
after reading a few books by c.g. jung and namely (man and his symbols) i started paying more attention to my dreams. basically writing down nearly every dream for three years then tailing off to the ones that feel important. and still struggling to interpret most of them and even fewer being helpful to the point of useful.
its almost as if my subconscious understands how willing i am as it frequently wakes me up through the night giving me dreams to interpret. though i am now aware that all i need in life i already have in that vast store house of knowledge in my subconscious. only now to cross that bridge and find a way of communicating in a useful way to my subconscious hence my interest in the tarot.
please put me right if i am wrong but seems like the tarot is the perfect choice as the subconscious picks the cards hoping to communicate with the conscious mind using its language of symbols and metaphor. only my symbols and metaphor i use to describe my reality are going to be different from anyone else! so the first thing that comes to mind is that the best person to learn the tarot from is your own subconscious lol. so i tried meditating on the each card, the first was promising.
i got images of old ships being built, maps being drawn. i took this as the beginnings of a journey, plans of a journey, before the journey begins.
but thats all i seem to get nothing else, I've had a few long breaks and came back to it but nothing. so i need a different approach can anyone help, it would be much appreciated.
thought i should mention i own the egyptian deck by the brothers of light and this seemed to appeal to me as i have been to egypt in the past. i read the book by cc zain and felt quite overwhelmed and lost at were to begin. so may have not been a good choice?


Maybe this might work (maybe not):

1. Do readings (rather than just meditate).

2. Read books.

3. Find a buddy system (if possible).

The Happy Squirrel

This is exactly how I ended up looking at tarot. I mainly use it as something similar to Rorschach ink blots. Although research have shown that it isn't actually doing what it intended to do, at least in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, it is still a useful idea to use in trying to understand your own subconscious. I don't meditate on them as much as I project my thoughts on to the images. Aspects of various images and scenes were highlighted at different times depending on where things are at with one self and the situations one find oneself in. In this context I found having images which resonate with you strongly whether from known mythologies or childhood fairy tales or anything else of that nature is extremely helpful. This way the images can tap straight into you without you needing to condition your own mind with the mind of the deck creator and the world of the design of the deck.

Michael Sternbach

Hi captaindan,

I think that a Jungian approach to Tarot might work best for you. There are a number of books along these lines that you might find inspiring. Sallie Nichols' classic Jung and Tarot is a wonderful place to start.



Thanks for the replies all been very helpful. I like the sound of Jung and tarot after reading the reviews. I went in to town on the off chance I might find but no success, I'm on holiday now so will order off amazon when I get back and let you know ho I got on. Thanks again looks promising.