De-Enabling Thread

strings of life

I posted there = must post here :).

De-enabling needed. Fast! I'd have to act today. Should I get The Secret Tarot (LoS)? I like the moody theme of this gothic-style deck as well as the comic book-like charm, but that Stength card makes me cringe (Thothy in a bad way). So do others. But some of them draw me in. I've been on the fence for a while on this one.

Update: I was enabled and bought the deck. De-enabling may cause me to turn the cards into bookmarks or resort to something else even worse.


nisaba said:
No, it's been mangoed.

VERY good. Still chuckling.

Secret: It's just dull and depressing. Or rather very "meh". Like beige wallpaper.

Allegedly there's a story but it is the sort you would never bother to finish because you just don't care enough about the characters.

Dull dull dull.

I traded mine away.


Osho Zen
It's elementally wrong. The suit that's meant to be the suit of Earth is represented by RAINBOWS :bugeyed:
How can a rainbow (made up of water and light) represent the element of Earth? It's just wrong.

Secret Tarot
It's very cold and lots of the cards just don't really make sense.
The Three of Swords for example shows a guy in an aviator hat with a weird sail on his back, on a horse, in a snowstorm....
The Five of Disks shows a woman in a fur coat having her photograph taken by a little fat man.
I know that I find cards like that very difficult to read.

I have it, never use it. It's on the 'to get rid of' pile and has been since I first got it a few years ago.


Kipling's Halloween Tarot

OK, not sure if I want to be enabled or de enabled on this one, so going to post both places and weigh the post comments!

ATers? Reasons to NOT get this deck? Ohhh, it's about 12 inc shipping on for de enabling please.




Halloween tarot

It has the same black cat on every card. It's like he's stalking you. Pretty creepy.

And it's totally Halloween. Do you really want a deck you can only use 1 day a year?


Good points, HippieWitchie!

Ohhh, but I love black cats! Lol


Le Fanu said:
You want evil tarot decks in your house, drenched in satantic vibes, glowing by night like the embers of Hades? Then the Osho Zen's the deck for you!

OMG that makes me want to fling my Osho Zen into the bin this instant. I've been thinking of throwing it out anyway. ...


Halloween is certainly cute. But it bored me.

The take on the RWS with ghosts and bats other halloweeny stuff in place of the usual minors just seemed way too cutesy for me. I was never able to get much in the way of a good reading with it.

Which is sad. Because I love Halloween so much!
So I made my own.

Oh...and I thought maybe the book would help, but it turned out to be just as useless.


Thanks Chronata!

Again, really excellent points. Skipping back over to look at other Halloween deck scans....!


greatdane said:
ATers? Reasons to NOT get this deck? Ohhh, it's on about 12 on for de enabling please.

I adore Halloween and love all things Autumny...and this deck appeals not at ALL. If that tells you anything.

It's...touristy. })