What Decks Are On Your Wishlist?


I'll have to start a list here so I can check what I wanted... :)

Let's see...


Medieval Scapini

Quest Tarot

Radiant Rider-Waite (already ordered)

Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg

Tarot of a Moon Garden

Universal Waite, pocket-sized


Golden Tarot


Universe, I'm putting my desire out to you:

Blue Rose Tarot

Tarot of Transformation
Mantegna Tarot
LS Tarot of Romeo and Giulietta
Rock'n'Roll Tarot
Greenwood set
Servants of the Light
Songs for the Journey Home

Grateful to have received:

Tarot of the Crone
Pagan Tarot
Buddha Tarot by Place
Tarot of a Moon Garden
LS Gothic Tarot of Vampires
Hadar Marseilles
Tarot of the Saints


I don't know why I do this. I guess I just like making lists; I also have the vain hope that maybe someone would perhaps give me something. EW! That makes me sound greedy doesn't it?

Well, anyway...
Tarot decks I want

Light and Shadow deck
Soprafino Tarot
Tarot Sarry (not that I know the Galician language, but I'm intruiged by the cards)

Oracle sets
Oracle of the Radiant Sun (I see it at the store, but never have enough money. I've never heard ofit otherwise though.)

Unobtainable set
Dali Tarot

Dream Tarot set
I'd like a set thats cards are tall and narrow, and the pictures were in Soprafino/Russian/Renaissance/Gothic. with flares of Art Nouveau style art and had many unusual symbols and things that could really change the meanings of the cards. I'd also like the names to be in Latin.
I'd also like to see an Oracle card set based on alchemy and its spiritual symbology. I know one is out there, but I think it's quite crappy.
I'd love to be comissioned by someone to make a tarot set.


Ok, I now have a deck on my wish list but I will get it soon so I don't know if it counts. I have started to feel connected to the fey tarot the images really speak volumes. I am excited to get then and develop a relationship with them. I hope my other deck doesn’t get jealous.


I see that The Tarot of the Black Flamingo is finished, from Maria Kruse. It's been almost two years since I first heard of this deck, and my order is ready!


Hello everyone,
I myself have stumbled upon this site because I have been looking into buying the Sacred Circle deck. I have just been fooling around with the idea until today. I actually have a request in on a deck now. I am anxiously awaiting a reply.
So my wishlist is small right now.

The Sacred Cirlce



{see profile for updated list}


N = 0

Saved by Zero!

Laura Borealis

Dali Universal