Hi again and a recommendation for really low prices at Overstock.com!


I am new starting out here and really needed some extra decks and books so I checked Epinions.com and the lowest price for everything was through Overstock.com. Wow. I know that this website has its own dealers it likes us to go through when it comes to purchasing items but this was just to good to pass up. Overstock.com has hundreds of Tarot books and decks at much lower prices than Amazon.com For example I needed the book Tarot Plain and Simple and it was $10.49 at Amazon which was a great deal however when I saw it on Overstock it was only $8.59. Wow! They also have Rider Waite decks and all other decks for less than $10. I bought my Medieval Scapini deck at Barnes and Noble for $20 and they have it on Overstock for $11. I am so bummed about that. Their shipping costs are only 1.50 per item. Anyway I just wanted to pass a deal along. Good luck! Lee