Book of Law Study Group 1.49


Yygdrasilian said:
Ra-Herakhty (Ra & Horus as One) represents the Light Coming Forth by Dawn, the Sun rising in the East depicted as a Falcon or Winged Disc.
Not only the East, but also the West. Herakhty - Horus of the two horizons.
Matt 24:27. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Liber 418 22nd Aethyr:

Rejoice with me, O ye Sons of the Morning; stand with me upon the Throne of Lotus; gather yourselves up unto me, and we shall play together in the fields of light. I have passed into the Kingdom of the West after my Father.
Liber 418 1st Aethyr:

I am light, and I am night, and I am that which is beyond them.

I am speech, and I am silence, and I am that which is beyond them.

I am life, and I am death, and I am that which is beyond them.

I am war, and I am peace, and I am that which is beyond them.

I am weakness, and I am strength, and I am that which is beyond them.


Here's a little food for thought that might take this thread in a whole new and disturbing direction.

So far we have only interpreted this verse in a microcosmic sense. How the transition to the Aeon of Horus effects the individual and their personal spiritual/psychological landscape.

But the Aeon can also be understood in a macrcosmic sense. The Aeon of Horus also represents the collective initiation of humanity as a whole. In the light of what has already been said concerning the Tower and it implications for the individual, what about it's macrocosmic implications?

Confessions. Chp.50:
The Secret Chiefs had informed me that a New Aeon implied the breaking up of the civilization existing at the time; obviously to change the Magical Formula of the planet is to change all moral sanctions and the result is bound to appear disastrous.



Surely many of the civilizations of 1904 are quite well broken up by now?

The European empires have all crumbled, the USA has gone from third-rate to the only superpower, the foundations of physics and mathematical logic have been radically altered, and in turn have affected philosophy to the point where relativism and uncertainty, indeed the impossibility of pure logic, have become the norm.
And of course an awful lot of blood was shed along the way...

But there is still an oligarchy 'running' the world and we still act like animals when threatened, but at least there has been a huge increase in the expansion of consciousness compared to a century ago.

Of course, the list can go on, these are just some off the cuff comments.




One gets the sense that meanings of Re-Horakhty have changed through the Ages as understanding of the Solar diety has adapted in step with Egyptian civilization’s course through history. For instance, the story I quoted before dates from the Ptolemaic period (relatively late in ‘antiquity’) and illustrates how the syncretic abrogates all prior ‘ordeals and rituals’ by reformulating relevant ‘words & signs’.

From Old Kingdom Egypt, Utterance 473 of the Pyramid Texts at Saqqara records both Re & Horakhty as distinct stages of the Sun’s daily cyclic journey: the ferries of heaven are launched by the day-barque for Re’s journey to Horakhty on the western horizon; and launched by the night-barque for Horakhty’s journey to Re on the east. Crossing the river of heaven, the deities become one another at the horizons, yet remain distinguished by the stage of the journey each makes.

This duality, seemingly reconciled by the magic of Naming, reflects a general human need to maintain ‘continuity’. By embodying the two names within the hieroglyphic reformulation ‘Re-Horakhty’ an act of abrogation has, in essence, occurred that alters the discourse by re-inventing one of its’ Key concepts. Where mythology/religion are concerned, the meta-narrative encompassing our studies of western civilization tends to characterize this process as an inevitable drift towards monotheism &/or empire. No small wonder that the rising heights of Egypt’s power during the ‘New Kingdom’ saw the abrogations of the hermaphrodite sun-king Akhenaten.

But, before his re-naming ceremony, Amenhotep IV built many temples in Amun’s cult centre at Karnak....
Oxford credentials said:
“The temples that he started to build here and elsewhere were dedicated not to Amun, however, but to a new form of the sun-god whose official name was ‘The living one, Ra-Horus of the horizon who rejoices in the horizon in his identity of light which is in the sun-disc’, a long formula that was soon enclosed in two cartouches just like the names of a king, and that was often preceded in royal inscriptions by the words ‘my father lives’. The name of the god could be shortened to ‘the living sun-disc’ or simply ‘the sun-disc’ (or, to use the Egyptian word, the Aten).”

- Ian Shaw, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt

Later, Akhenaten changes the name formula again, removing Horus from the equation entirely, into: ‘the living one, Ra, ruler of the horizon.’ But within a century further abrogations have dealt with Amarna as the aberration, and ‘restore’ the names defaced during that period. Yet the pantheon of deities are viewed by eyes that have seen and been affected by religious upheaval; and the form their restored ‘Re-Horakhty’ took no doubt embodied this ‘new’ understanding...
Oxford credentials said:
“Every sunrise was a repetition of the ‘first occasion’, the creation of the world in the beginning. Ra himself went through the daily cycle of death and rebirth; at sunset he entered the netherworld, where he was regenerated and from which he was reborn in the morning as Ra-Horakhty. Light could not exist without darkness; without death there could be no regeneration and no life. Together with the sun-god the dead were also reborn; they joined Ra on his daily journey and went through the same eternal cycle of death and rebirth. Osiris, the god of the dead and the underworld, with whom the deceased were traditionally identified, was increasingly seen as an aspect of Ra, and the same held true for all other gods, for, if the sun-god was the primeval creator, then all the other gods had emerged from him and were therefore aspects of him. In this sense a tendency towards a form a monotheism is inherent in the religion of New Kingdom Egypt.”

- Ian Shaw, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt

Of Course, the V.A.L.I.S. will tell you that Akhenaten spawned a hidden race who rules this world still, and is in fact a manifestation of the Macro Mind ‘itself’. The Cryptica Scriptura also implies he was descended from ‘three-eyed’ telepathic deaf/mute invaders from the Sirius system who “covertly influence our history toward a fruitful end.” Along the way, Aiwass ‘helped’ Crowley pay his debt to Horus by having him take dictation. Thus you have thus; and here we are.... abrogating like its going out of style.

Which brings us to Asar & Isa...

Could be the fact these names are synonymous with characters otherwise known to us is in and of itself a hint about the means by which we are to interpret this riddle: not at face (behind the mask) value. Asar, near as I can tell, is an 18th century transliteration of ‘Osiris’ that was never actually used in ancient times.

So, then, abrogations may ensue based on entirely fictitious data?....
Luckily, One knows better than to be deceived by such a cheap disguise...right?

Isa may not specifically refer to the Pentagrammaton in most Islamic orthodoxies, but by invoking this Qu’ranic alias, Aiwass may be saying something about One’s relationship to the ‘magickal’ formula embodied in this particular ‘Name’. Mainstream Christianity tends to elevate their Savior beyond reach, yet Islam has always recognized this particular holy dude as a prophet no more a son of ‘God’ than anyOne else. In this sense, the formula that the YHShVH name embodies is attainable for every Human being.

With respect to verse 1.49, ‘abrogation’ as a term specific to Islamic legal exegesis may also be pointing to the Messenger’s role as a reformer, abrogating the outmoded and contradictory laws and social conventions of One’s predecessors; thereby serving as an allegory for the rebirth of Consciousness in Oneself & Society.

Ceci n’est pas une pipe! [Note: pseudonyms may be used for the same reason: Ceci n’est pas une pipe!]

Yet there is still a secret in Ra-Hoor-Khuit’s name: a ‘Nothing’ being flaunted before All, uniting Alpha & Omega:
the Zero completing One Circle...

So, how can Nothing unite anything?
‘Something’ isn’t made ‘of nothing’; but beginning and end are joined like a Serpent biting its own tail, just like the Octave returns to ‘C’. Then perhaps -Hoor- is that zen-proverbial ‘empty space’ that makes a -Door- or -Window- or a CUP useful: Splendor of the passage through which One is initiated!

Which, in a way, gets back to The Fool: for there can't really be a Secret if Nothing doesn't really exist....

....or does it?


Aeon makes a very interesting point, I think. Popular culture and its media have been more than a little obsessed in the last twenty to thirty years with the paradigm of a post-apocalyptic world, where the structures and strictures of a civilisation outdated have been smashed by an otherworldly force, or at least one well beyond human control. Take modern classics of fiction such as 1984 (Orwell), The Stand (King), On the Beach (Chute), War of the Worlds (Wells) . . .

Films portraying the possible effects and consequences of "the end of the world as we know it" - the Mad Max, The Matrix and Terminator series, Waterworld, Independence Day, Reign of Fire . . .

The manner of apocalypse varies widely, testament to the breadth of human imagination . . . but the thread tying all together seems to be an uneasiness in the face of impending upheaval. Who will survive? What adjustments and evolutions will this great event necessitate?

\m/ Kat


Act of Piracy

Or to take an even more Radical Monist stance: Time never started at all. Chaos never died. The Empire was never founded. We are not now & never have been slaves to the past or hostages to the future.

We suggest that the End of the World be declared a fait accompli; the exact date is unimportant. The ranters in 1650 knew that the Millenium comes now into each soul that wakes to itself, to its own centrality & divinity. "Rejoice, fellow creature," was their greeting. "All is ours!"


Osiris is a black god

RLG said:
Surely many of the civilizations of 1904 are quite well broken up by now?
A few nation states have had their noses bloodied while fighting in the school yard. But I don't see that as a collapse of civilisation. It's more like a taste of things to come if we don't start getting our act together on this planet we share.

The characteristics of the previous Aeon were those of the Father. Under it humanity raised itself from it's primitive state to stand where we are now. We've done all this through control and exploitation of our natural resources. In the last 200 or so years we've really perfected that art. Until now we hold the world in our hands like the Emperor holds his Orb.

But a few cracks are beginning to appear. The great god Capitalism, with it's rallying cry of "growth, more growth", has shown itself to be not so perfect after all.

Through Horus the Isis aspect returns once more. Increasing numbers of people are waking up to the damage and harm we've inflicted on our planet. But, as of yet, there is little will to do anything about it. After all, the action that needs to be taken would impinge on our comfortable life styles. And we're not ready to cut back on our reliance of fossil fuels. (See post title)

But circumstances of our own making may force our hand. While the arguments still rage on the causes of Global Warming. (Diversionary tactics to avoid action.) We're already starting to feel the effects. But the real Wolf may already be at the door. Peak Oil is an interesting problem that few want to acknowledge or even contemplate.

But, say the critics, we will think of a technological fix. Our intelligence will save us! Will it?

One of the aims of the Aeon of Osiris was the development of the human Ruach - the thinking mind. This is what has aided our development and domination of the planet. But it has also led us to the edge of destruction. How contradictory is that? The Mind - Air, both friend and foe at the same time.

Horus represents the emergence of Super consciousness. (The return of Jesus is a metaphor for this.) We could certainly do a dose of that right now. But something tells me that our break with Osiris will have to be forced.

The Book of Thoth, p.116
It is also important to study very thoroughly, and meditate upon, this Book, in order to appreciate the spiritual, moral, and material events which have marked the catastrophic transition from the Aeon of Osiris. The time for the birth of an Aeon seems to be indicated by great concentration of political power with the accompanying improvements in the means of travel and communication, with a general advance in philosophy and science, with a general need of consolidation in religious thought. It is very instructive to compare the events of the five hundred years preceeding and following the crisis of approximately 2,000 years ago, with those of similar periods centred in 1904 of the old era. It is a thought far from comforting to the present generation, that 500 years of Dark Ages are likely to be upon us. But, if the analogy holds, that is the case. Fortunately to-day we have brighter torches and more torch bearers.


Cargo Cult Science... or, How to Obtain 'Gifts' from Dead People

Bokono said:
"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way."

I’m abrogating One of the great world religions here... of course, they're All trash:

The only reasonable solution to ‘The End of the World’ is the mingling of awarenesses attained by boko-maru: prolonged physical contact between the naked soles of two persons’ feet! As it was meant to happen...

We will touch our feet, yes,
Yes, for all we're worth,
And we will love each other, yes,
Yes, like we love our Mother Earth.

Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything;
but if ever I am put to death on the hook, expect a very human performance.

Someday, someday, this crazy world will have to end,
And our God will take things back that He to us did lend.
And if, on that sad day, you want to scold our God,
Why just go ahead and scold Him. He'll just smile and nod.

Now mud lies down again and goes to sleep.
What memories for mud to have!


Aeon418 said:
I see the old "above/below" dogma as an old aeon construct. .
Oh yeah, of course it is ... hence; 'above' and not; above. The same as it is taught that we need a firm foundation ... that's not below us ... but can be seen as 'below'.

Oh yeah ... the analogical pyramid aint a real pyramid either ;)


Aeon418 said:
So if Ravenest asks you to grab your ankles, raise the Eye of Hoor* to the zenith, and prepare to feel the vigour of the goat, you'll know what he's on about. :laugh:

* See 777. Column XXI, line 10.

AA HEM!!! (yes, that e-cough IS getting worse!)

Ravenest would NEVER ask such a thing. Nor would he have a right too ... way beyond his degree.

I NEVER purport to 'share' mysteries of which I have not been initiated into nor have comprehension of, SPECIFICALLY when they are of a sexually tantric nature.

The area of sexual tantra teaching is MORE fraught with danger than most magick, being a system where SOME people think that some type of percieved magical authority or experience gives one the idea that they can ask for 'sexual favours' from their acolytes. This is the realm of a wierd cult.

My advice is; that if anyone, OTO initiator or not, suggests you partake of a sexual practice with them and you think they are trying to manipulate your free choice ... tell them to go and get **** !