About the 10's and their relation to qabala


I understand that 10's represent malkuth, the 10th sphere which is the bottom and represents the "very end of the suit" as explained in thoth book, which means it runs out of energy and all the potential that the ace had.

However, the 10 of disks and cups seem to have positive meanings attached to them, while the wands and swords do not. Why do they differ like this? For the 5's, they all represent struggles in the suit, and in the 6's they are fairly optimistic, but I don't really see how the 10's represent themselves formally in a qabalistic nature.

Thanks :) I'm not sure whether this is a numerology question or a qabala question


The 10 of Disks is the end of the line. There's no where left to go except up. This card really is Malkuth in Assiah. The final emanation of the qabalistic scheme.

The 10 of Disks doesn't seem as harsh as the other 10's but maybe that's the point. It's a symbol of the seductive nature of material things that distract you from the the real job of re-connecting with the spirit. Instead of climbing the Tree you end up wallowing in the 10 of Disks because it really doesn't seem like a bad place to be. Wrong, hence the mercurial symbols on the disks. It can all be snatched away from you very easily.

I see this card as a seductive trap. If you hoard the Wealth, you're stuck there.


The 10 of Cups is a funny card. It seems like quite a nice card when compared to the other 10's. But this card contains the seeds of it's own decay. Essentially it's saying, "this is really great, in fact this is as good as it gets. Enjoy it while is lasts though because the the next step is down."

Satiate: to satisfy fully or to excess.

The 10 of Cups is like a great night out. It just can't get any better. Unfortunately your going to have to deal with one hell of a hangover in the morning.


I relate to the idea behind the 10 of Cups, because I think it applies to my life in so many ways. It's rather like having a one-night-stand - you get carried with the idea of it, but once you've gone through with it you realise that it's not really what you wanted and it really just makes you feel cheap. It's like blowing a load of money on those fantasy items that you think you need in order to make your life "complete", only to find that you are poorer in more ways that one once you actually own them.


The elements seem to play a big part in the characteristics of the 10's. The 10 of Wands and the 10 of Swords are attributed to the positive elements, Fire and Air. These two cards are very up front and confrontational. But also they can be a blessing in disguise. They are like the bad tasting medicine.

The 10 of Cups and the 10 of Disks are attributed to the passive elements, Water and Earth. These two cards look nice and even seductive on the surface. But there's a sting in the tail that you have to watch out for.


Aeon418 said:
The elements seem to play a big part in the characteristics of the 10's.

I agree with this very much. It helps me to think of Malkuth as the feminine Princess, and so the more feminine Earth and Water suits are better dignified. Also the astrological components are stronger as the pip number increases, so these will affect the meanings most strongly in the 10's.

In the Disks we have Mercury in Virgo, so a very happy combination. Mars in Pisces is a bit less happy for the 10 Cups though.

Sun in Gemini is an unhappy pairing in the 10 Swords, and Saturn in Sagittarius for the 10 Wands is positively miserable.

We did an activity at Tarot Cafe comparing the pips by number, and the thing I noticed most strongly was the relationship between the development of the suit and the elements (seperated sexually). The more male suits (fire and air) tended to align numerically in stages. The reverse of the alignment in the female suits (earth and water).

Jokes were made that the male suits tended to "peak" ;) rather early, while the female suits took a bit longer to get there....


Thanks everyone, thats much clearer :)

I'll think about it a little more when I'm less tired.


My 50 cents ;)

As the Aces means success (material and emotional ), many many times in" real life" readings I have found 10's meaning support ( or the lack of it in case of swords and wands).
So often the mean streem of the appearence of 10p in a reading is material support given by family and closest friends (even financial help in extreme cases), and 10c often... is emotional and affective support given or received.
For me the aces are the results of our production and 10's are the effects of the environment (specially family and contaparts) in our lives. An artificiial stability because doesn't depend on your efford and can desapear at any time.

Professor X

To me the 10 of Cups depends entirely on how dignified it is next to the other cards.

The card represents a excess of the emotional and psychic energy represented by the water suite of cups.

That energy can be directed into something good or bad. But one thing is for sure that without proper direction and guidance the excess energy will drown you. But with proper direction that spiritual energy can propel you to new heights.

Satiety can be a good thing. If one needs a fresh start excess energies can be good provided they have a outlet to keep from being drowned in the flow of it all.


Aeon418 said:
The elements seem to play a big part in the characteristics of the 10's. The 10 of Wands and the 10 of Swords are attributed to the positive elements, Fire and Air. These two cards are very up front and confrontational. But also they can be a blessing in disguise. They are like the bad tasting medicine.

Yes, I have found 10 wands often a 'good' indicator. Although visually it doesnt appear so and seems to 'scare' a lot of people when they see it; "Oh no!"

\But, for whatever reason, I tend to see it as 'trouble upstairs often means good things downstairs'.

Disruption on a higher plane often has the hard bumps filtered out on the way down so when it finally manifests in something tangible it isnt as bad ... and is often quiet good.

Sort of like bad madicine ... the taste is bad but one knows its going toi do good so there is an enjoyment in it.

Thats how I usually read it, unless it was quiet badly aspected or unbalanced.

I also tend to think that although the 10 is the fullfilment of that specific energy, it flows on to the next ace ( or two) of the following suit. (That makes the 10 of cups look pretty good :laugh: )