

cutting the deck

Usually I have the querint cut the cards into four piles with their left hand:. One for spiritual, one for emotional, one for mental and one for physical self. I just feel that it gives me a better idea where the person's focus is at that time.


Usually I have the querint cut the cards into four piles with their left hand:. One for spiritual, one for emotional, one for mental and one for physical self. I just feel that it gives me a better idea where the person's focus is at that time.

About the left-hand thing, some suggest that the querent's non-dominant hand should be used to cut the deck. So if he's right-handed he cuts with his left, but if he's otherwise he uses his right. I wasn't cheeky enough to ask what happens if the querent's perfectly ambidextrous though.


And I almost forgot to say that for some, the left hand is always used since it is controlled by the right side of the brain, which is apparently the side that apparently controls the emotions, intuition, the inner psyche, etc. Personally I just instruct my querents to cut with the left and that's it, although if they prefer to use their right I won't raise a ruckus. What's important is that he's open to the experience and is neither hostile nor unwilling to get his cards read.