Nine months of pregnancy spread

Kaylee Marie

Just found out last night that I am pregnant! :D The spreads index has a couple spreads dealing with the relationship between mother and child, but nothing of a more general nature such as "How will the pregnancy be?"

So here goes. This spread primarily focuses on what the mother is thinking and feeling throughout the pregnancy, along with factual information about the baby itself.


Cards 2 thru 10 are laid out in a semi-circle, not a pyramid, but I couldn't really show that here.

Card 1: Conception
Cards 2-10: months 1-9 of pregnancy
Card 11: Labor/birth
Card 12: Will this be a multiple birth (i.e., twins)?
Card 13: What is the sex of the unborn child?
Card 14: Will the baby arrive on time?

A couple notes:
The gestational period roughly corresponds to nine solar months or ten lunar months. If you're a more lunar person, feel free to add a card for the 10th month.

I use my intuition to read one card yes/no either/or questions such as for cards 12-14. Please use any system that you are comfortable with. Clarification cards may be helpful here.

I envision this for the new mom-to-be (still in the first trimester), but I imagine it could be used at anypoint during the pregnancy.

I'll post my results with this spread in the Readings forum soon.

Kaylee Marie


Congrats Kaylee! Pregnancy is such an absolutely wonderful time of your life, even during the morning sickness, and hormones, and crying bouts.


My sister asked me to do a reading for her. This is perfect! She's about 8 weeks!


I know this is an old thread but just want to say this was fairly accurate for me. I just looked over my old notes yesterday. I even predicted that I would stop working 3 months earlier than expected.

Baby was right on time. Gender and labour. My last 3 months being high anxiety (I thought at the time that it was just normal pregnancy anxiety, but I ended up having severe anxiety that was undiagnosed til postpartum). My best 2 months in the 2nd trimester. All of these were predicted by this spread.


Thanks for sharing this spread and congrats on the baby! I'm going to add this one to my journal and maybe do it tomorrow. I'm more than halfway through my pregnancy (24 weeks), but I'm still interested in doing this one. :)