The thelemic Hermit


Perhaps the Hermit's bed represents that side of Mercury that travels the underworld ... as psychopomp ... if we consider the Hermit is a Magician ? I do, I think they might be a type of Magician. - 'Dream magick'.


Perhaps the Hermit's bed represents that side of Mercury that travels the underworld ... as psychopomp ... if we consider the Hermit is a Magician ? I do, I think they might be a type of Magician. - 'Dream magick'.

Virgo and Mercury definitely have a connection, they are the only pair that both rule and exalt each other, making the Hermit one of the most interesting and exciting cards there are. The Hermit is alone because no one else has been created yet, and his seed provides the impetus for that creation. Yod, Virgo, Mercury... all attributions lead to potential that is untapped and un-utilized, yet is precariously on the brink of manifestation. As number nine, relating to Hod, he is also the vision of what is, and what could be.

Its placement among the other paths is also interesting looking at them through the lens of IAO. It appears that the new Aeon concentrates itself in the right hand, active side of the Tree, rather than the left, and this is illustrated by the paths that form the triangle here. Virgo as Isis, Scorpio as Apophis and Jupiter as Osiris, who in this configuration isn't slain. Compare it to the other side of the Tree, showing the Osirian model: Libra as Isis, Capricorn as Apophis and, of course, the Hanged Man as Osiris. A rough way of looking at things, to be sure, but does give certain ideas. Rather than reception of higher divinity, in the new Aeon everyone is divine, so rather than receiving there is outpouring.

I love the Hermit, one of my favorite cards, but I had better stop before I bullsh*t myself into the ground.


I tend to see the 'purple' Path of Kaph as the Hermit's bed. This is also consistent with the other symbols in II:24 relating to the Paths of Yod (Hermit) and Teth (Beasts of Women). All three Paths connect to Chesed, which is the sephira of rulership. II:24 is also the 90th verse. 90 = MLK = King. ;)


As number nine, relating to Hod, he is also the vision of what is, and what could be.

It appears that the new Aeon concentrates itself in the right hand, active side of the Tree, rather than the left, and this is illustrated by the paths that form the triangle here.

To use a wikipedia phrase, please "disambiguate" your thoughts for me here. My understanding has always been that the "active" side of the Tree is the Pillar of Severity, with Saturn, Mars and Mercury as sephirotic correspondences, when looked at from the perspective of Adam Kadmon standing within the Tree looking out. This is why the right arm was considered the "sword arm" of the Heavenly Man.

Also, unless your schematic of the Tee is different from mine (which I certainly don't discount since there are different systems of numeration), I thought Yesod is the ninth sephirot. Are you perhaps counting Da'at?


The Hermit is a wonderful synthesis of male and female in that his attributions seem to loop into themselves, far more than in other cards. He is attributed to the active seed of Yod, 10, but his number is 9. Yesod, being attributed to the Moon, brings us back to the ever-virgin potential of Virgo. This could be connected to the point of Hadit being omnipresent in the expanse of Nuit. 10+9=19, HVA, Eve, but also past tense of experience (what Eve desires most, in essence, is the experience of Yod). Take out the zero and the equation is ten, which is obvious. It is also "enemy," which despite its adversarial qualities also embodies duality.

Anyway, the triangles thing really is rough, and I don't know if I can rightly explain this little musing of mine. While you're right about the pillars, and the male mainly supplies the fuel, it is still the "positive" side, giving rather than taking, which is what the pillar of Severity does. The shift in Aeons as pictured by the Tree... well, that's a fun game, but not a definitive one. You could look at it as the Age of Pisces shifting to Aquarius, water to air, although here we have elemental water opposing airy Jupiter. Context is the thing, especially as the new HGA is not airy, but fiery.

I really can't explain it... but it seems to work when I play with it in my head...