Four of Cups reversed - nothing left to take for granted?


I would say finding meaning/purpose for your life, taking action.


I feel like they had to make a decision or else... Basically, my idea is that each suit represents a story and for me, the Cups is a love story. I always feel like the initial love felt between too people is sort of taken for granted and maybe flirts around a bit in the 3C, while the person in 4C contemplates his choice to make and then perhaps, if he made it in a hurry, what you see is the following 5C - disappointment and regret, followed by reminiscence of the good old days in 6C...and so on, till he finally reaches 10C. His goal of emotional happiness and contentment is fulfilled. He feels loved and is accepted. Sort of like a Fool's Journey, only applied in a romantic context.

Thank you so much for expanding on this and I agree with you about the decision.


Could you also look at this card reversed as too little, too late ?

Yup, I'm definitely seeing that possible scenario too! This whole thread has opened my eyes wide open to beyond the typical 'Grass is greener, take time out, meditate, tired, depressed, vacation, daydreams, hangover, patience, boredom', etc., & I know each & every card can have thousands, if not millions, of meanings, depending, here we go again, on the deck, question, positional meanings, surrounding cards, blahblahblah.

I've always thought of this card as being very benign - not any more. It can even represent hate, negative emotions steaming in the background, the more I think about it.

But rx'd? Almost like the Fool, with maybe more positive possibilities under the belt; situational since it's not a major though. Unexpected things happening, desires, whether you want them or not, or someone whose agoraphobia suddenly went away.


Would like some feedback on this card

I received Four of Cups reversed in a reading. It got me thinking that, since upright this card is very much about a person not being there for you emotionally or someone who takes things for granted, could the reverse mean that this person is moving on from that stasis.

In short, could the reversed Four of Cups mean (among many other things):

1. that the person is moving on from being indifferent

2. the person is ready to receive the cup on offer

3. the person can now appreciate the cup that is on offer; or

4. that the person now realises that what they took for granted is no longer there to ignore or take for granted? It's just gone and its too late. The cups are empty

Love to read anybody's thoughts :)

First I want to say that, in my viewpoint, it is not possbile to tell someone that a card cannot ever mean something. There are very many ways to read, each card has almost an infintie amount of things that it could potentially mean in a reading. AND intuition plays a huge part in reading. A card can mean one thing to you usually, but in the space of the particular reading you can just feel and know it means something totally different,

Given the role intuition plays, my answer to someone who asks if a card CAN mean something, no matter what they see it as meaning , is always yes. Yes if that is what you sense in a reading then that is what ti means in that reading.

All that out of the way. LOL, I have a big of a unique way of reading reversals (that I invented one day to meet my needs) so I hope this doesn't confuse things.

But for me. the 4 of Cups reversed= feeling that you need to take things slowly and carefully, to not rock the boat or take too many risks and try to keep things on a even keel and in balance....It would say that the person FEELS that they need to do this and proceed with cautioon, whether or not it si true. It may be all in their imagination, or not, but they feel that they need to do this.

Cups are our feekings and a reversed 4, for me, refers back to the Temperance card.



First I want to say that, in my viewpoint, it is not possbile to tell someone that a card cannot ever mean something. There are very many ways to read, each card has almost an infintie amount of things that it could potentially mean in a reading. AND intuition plays a huge part in reading. A card can mean one thing to you usually, but in the space of the particular reading you can just feel and know it means something totally different,

Given the role intuition plays, my answer to someone who asks if a card CAN mean something, no matter what they see it as meaning , is always yes. Yes if that is what you sense in a reading then that is what ti means in that reading.

All that out of the way. LOL, I have a big of a unique way of reading reversals (that I invented one day to meet my needs) so I hope this doesn't confuse things.

But for me. the 4 of Cups reversed= feeling that you need to take things slowly and carefully, to not rock the boat or take too many risks and try to keep things on a even keel and in balance....It would say that the person FEELS that they need to do this and proceed with cautioon, whether or not it si true. It may be all in their imagination, or not, but they feel that they need to do this.

Cups are our feekings and a reversed 4, for me, refers back to the Temperance card.

Well Babs you must find this sub-forum extremely frustrating with the pages and pages of threads posing questions about what a card could mean! :D

I get the point you are making although I don't think I said anywhere in this thread that I think a card couldn't have a certain meaning, moreso that I struggle with some meanings. There are some meanings that I see applied here and elsewhere that I just cannot link back to the card but hey, that's just me. Í'm on a learning curve.

As a newbie, however, I struggle with this notion that a card can have any possible meaning. Now I'm not saying I rule it out and am against it, just that I struggle with it. Otherwise why have 78 cards? Why have the artists who pour their work into these cards and use research and history to inspire the images? I just think you end up on a slippery slope that well, almost feels like it undermines the identify of each card (perhaps thats worded a little too strongly). If any card can have any meaning, then it starts to look pointless to me. I think I need something more solid than that.

I guess I am enjoying the discipline of the cards and trying to understand the possible meanings that arise from each one. I like to treat each card as unique.

When a question is posed and it is specific cards that are offered as your guide to finding an answer, I respect that. But I certainly understand that intuition plays a major part. I just don't see the harm in exploring meanings.


hi all,

i would never have understood the 4 of cups reversed until i saw it happening durig my vacation. i was inquiring about a love interest until the sun card upright popped out od my thread signifying the answer to my thoughts about him. then to clarify the sun, i pulled out 3 cards -- the queen of cups, the page of pentacles and the 4 of cups reversed.

in my vacay i figured out the 4oc rx. i was able to synthesize all the posters interpretation with the help of lefou. she tells that i am the queen reflecting at the same time the page of pents enjoying nature. the sunset at the beach reminded me of the happy memories i had with my old friend because he wants his dream house by the beach. 4oc rx in my life did not tell me stories of regret and letting go but of other possible great things with him (of time and fate would permit), with someone else, or, literally speaking in that event, myself. i can have all the 4 cups if i choose to as good ones to keep and good ones to bring with me.

perhaps 4oc rx was powered by the sun but that's how the message was unveiled to me during that lovely sunset o was reflecting about him, us and myself. the icing on the cake while i was contemplating at the beach was the beatles' song "let it be". all the memories are there and it's up to me what i am going to do with them: either throw them away in the past or "let it be" happy thoughts to drive me. aa for my case, the 4oc rx says "let it be".

i hope this helps and i hope i make sense. :)


If any card can have any meaning, then it starts to look pointless to me. I think I need something more solid than that.

TarotBear recently posted some statistics that were mind-boggling - a few years ago I had asked if there were any statisticians amongst us, with no result; till now! I'm still searching for that thread (I'll find it!) ... When you delve deeper into the cards, go beyond the 'trad' meanings, you'll realize that the keywords are simply meant to send you down a specific path, which can branch off into a million different directions. The important thing is to 'get' that card's energy, which enables you to interpret it in that one reading unique & never to happen again. It's not even necessary to memorize keywords; back in the day, there WERE no books, no literature, just a teacher by the fireside, so in a way perhaps it was better ? because it forced readers to rely more on intuition. That's how tarot began & there are many great readers who follow that method.

Trying to compartmentalize each card is simply impossible because of the myriad scenarios that life tosses us. It's not that any card can have any possible meaning & that's the confusing part, because what would be the point? Why even have cards? It's more like reading between the lines; the degree & severity that particular card plays in that particular reading, sorta like splitting hairs between majors & minors, & you take into consideration the question, spread, deck, images, etc. If you tried to actually write down every possible meaning the 4 of Cups could mean, for instance, you'd be writing forever. But it still has its own ENERGY & that's up to the reader to sort it all out.


TarotBear recently posted some statistics that were mind-boggling - a few years ago I had asked if there were any statisticians amongst us, with no result; till now! I'm still searching for that thread (I'll find it!) ... When you delve deeper into the cards, go beyond the 'trad' meanings, you'll realize that the keywords are simply meant to send you down a specific path, which can branch off into a million different directions. The important thing is to 'get' that card's energy, which enables you to interpret it in that one reading unique & never to happen again. It's not even necessary to memorize keywords; back in the day, there WERE no books, no literature, just a teacher by the fireside, so in a way perhaps it was better ? because it forced readers to rely more on intuition. That's how tarot began & there are many great readers who follow that method.

Trying to compartmentalize each card is simply impossible because of the myriad scenarios that life tosses us. It's not that any card can have any possible meaning & that's the confusing part, because what would be the point? Why even have cards? It's more like reading between the lines; the degree & severity that particular card plays in that particular reading, sorta like splitting hairs between majors & minors, & you take into consideration the question, spread, deck, images, etc. If you tried to actually write down every possible meaning the 4 of Cups could mean, for instance, you'd be writing forever. But it still has its own ENERGY & that's up to the reader to sort it all out.

Thanks canid ... I definitely understand what you're saying. I think the meaning becomes impossible to define because of all the possible questions that could be asked but as you said, the card still carries its own unique energy.


Well Babs you must find this sub-forum extremely frustrating with the pages and pages of threads posing questions about what a card could mean! :D

I get the point you are making although I don't think I said anywhere in this thread that I think a card couldn't have a certain meaning, moreso that I struggle with some meanings. There are some meanings that I see applied here and elsewhere that I just cannot link back to the card but hey, that's just me. Í'm on a learning curve.

As a newbie, however, I struggle with this notion that a card can have any possible meaning. Now I'm not saying I rule it out and am against it, just that I struggle with it. Otherwise why have 78 cards? Why have the artists who pour their work into these cards and use research and history to inspire the images? I just think you end up on a slippery slope that well, almost feels like it undermines the identify of each card (perhaps thats worded a little too strongly). If any card can have any meaning, then it starts to look pointless to me. I think I need something more solid than that.

I guess I am enjoying the discipline of the cards and trying to understand the possible meanings that arise from each one. I like to treat each card as unique.

When a question is posed and it is specific cards that are offered as your guide to finding an answer, I respect that. But I certainly understand that intuition plays a major part. I just don't see the harm in exploring meanings.

Actually very few things in life frustrate me. :grin: I am a pretty patient person. And I don't try to impose my beliefs or feelings on things on other people. We all have the right to view the world according to what each of our life expereinces have taught us.

I am not at all against having set meanings for the cards either. I think that is a necessary part. You can't ( I don't believe) just make up meanings randomly on the spur of hte moemnt out of thin air, with no idea of what the card usually means to you. I believe you have to have a set idea what it means to you But then the card can at times mean something completley different in a reading if your intuition tells you so. Something surprising and unlike what it has ever said to you before. And that is why if someone asked me if a card CAN mean something, I would never say no, no matter what the person saw in that card. I think there have to be rules, but then you have to know how and when to break them when that is called for.

For me, personally, and since you asked LOL, actually I think it can be very useful to discuss what meanitngs each of us traditioanlly assign to a card. Sometimes if we see someone with a meaning that differs from ours we may like their better and change over. And that can be useful.

But my belief is that once the reading has been done, no one but the original reader can know what that card means in that particulr reading at that particular time.

Those are my peronal views on that.

As for the question about why have 78 cards, my view on that is that IF each card had only one meaning all that Tarto could do woudl be to talk to you about 78 different things. And ever there there is some overlap with some cards having similar meanings. But instead what we have in Tarot is a system that can answer anything we ask, in all kinds of ways. It is a systen that is almost infiinte and unlimited in what it can tell us. And that requires some....intuition. If intuition coudl not change the meanings when needed, the system would be much more finite than it is or can be.

It depends on how you read. But for me, the artists pour their hearts and souls into the imagery and symbolism of the cards so that they can creaet something that will ingite what we need form insdie ourselves to SEE. The images ignite our intuition, in a deck we are compatible with.

As for teh history of it....that is somehting I personally don't have much to do with, but I guess for those who do, it is important that a deck be coherent on that front as well.

Yes, of course each card is unique and will have a set meaning for you. I did not mean to deny that. Just that IN a reading that set meaning can change and in that reading a card, any card can suddenly have an unusial and unexpected meaning.

Yes, the right cards come up to give you the exact meaning you are meant to have in the way that you will best understand. That is how Tarot works and the beauty of it. I don';t see any harm in exploring meanings either. In fact, I would call that a necessary part to learning to read. and I would imagine somethign we all do periodically as readers.

Just that I do not believe you can ever say that a specific card cannot mean this of that, Because within a reading we never know what the card can say. So if somoene asks me Can a card mean this, my answer is always yes, no matter what they saw in it.



TarotBear recently posted some statistics that were mind-boggling - a few years ago I had asked if there were any statisticians amongst us, with no result; till now! I'm still searching for that thread (I'll find it!) ... When you delve deeper into the cards, go beyond the 'trad' meanings, you'll realize that the keywords are simply meant to send you down a specific path, which can branch off into a million different directions. The important thing is to 'get' that card's energy, which enables you to interpret it in that one reading unique & never to happen again. It's not even necessary to memorize keywords; back in the day, there WERE no books, no literature, just a teacher by the fireside, so in a way perhaps it was better ? because it forced readers to rely more on intuition. That's how tarot began & there are many great readers who follow that method.

Trying to compartmentalize each card is simply impossible because of the myriad scenarios that life tosses us. It's not that any card can have any possible meaning & that's the confusing part, because what would be the point? Why even have cards? It's more like reading between the lines; the degree & severity that particular card plays in that particular reading, sorta like splitting hairs between majors & minors, & you take into consideration the question, spread, deck, images, etc. If you tried to actually write down every possible meaning the 4 of Cups could mean, for instance, you'd be writing forever. But it still has its own ENERGY & that's up to the reader to sort it all out.

I think that came out a lot better than how I was trying to phrase it. That is how i read, the set meaning just points out the direction and for me the rest, the real answer coems form the card iamge and what i sense from it. But yes I do have set meanings that I use to get general direction of the answer. But in each reating the same card may talk differntly. Depending on so many things.
