Victoria Regina - VIII - Strength


I just finished a reading with this deck, and I was struck by the level of emotion I felt while studying this Strength card. I think it is just the most beautiful Strength card I've seen. For me there is a real relationship between the woman and the lioness here. The woman gently rests her arm on the back of the lioness' neck. This is not a display of dominance, but rather a gesture of love and comfort. I don't feel that the lioness is succumbing to the woman's will, but is actually her true friend and protector. The lioness trusts this person because she is gentle and trustworthy. There are two sides to this relationship, and they both play a role. Neither dominates the other. In this sense, there is a deeper element of strength at play here. Perhaps it took this woman a bit longer to gain this animal's trust, but in the end, she has gained more for her efforts. Her strength then is real and lasting, not just a fleeting moment of peace between the animal and herself. SHe has earned more from this animal. It is lasting and enduring.

This brings a whole new level of understanding for me with this card. I'd love to hear any other thoughts out there regarding this lovely card.


The Strength card is very beautiful. The lioness has a particular look of quiet attentiveness - as if she is poised, and ready to leap at the first sign of trouble. The VR companion book talks about the building in the background, signifying that this woman hasn't left civilisation altogether, but there is a definite instinctual quality about this image, tempered by a quiet, measured feeling. The lemniscate above her head only appears in one other card (that I can see) which is the Magician. Trying to make associations here - the Magician is blending the four elements to produce something external - an effect in the outside world, perhaps Strength here is blending the two internal emotional extremes - raw instinct and civility, to produce an internal state of balance maybe ...


Yes, I like this thought Floss. I do think this card shows a balance between the animal instinct and the civilized self. There is balance and control exhibited here, as well as a sense of ease despite the potential danger.


This Strength shows what it must really be like to "manage" ones impulse toward aggression. The lion appears tame, yet ready to pounce if need be. There is a genuine feeling of self-control and balance between acting out, and holding back


Victoria Regina - Strength

In some ways, and certainly at first glance, this is a very traditional Strength card. Woman, lion, infinity symbol. Yup, all there. What differentiates this card from most others is the utter calm and confidence in the image. The two females, lioness and human, are at complete peace and accord. The woman's touch on the lioness' face is very, very gentle. Tender, even. As if they hold a great love and respect for each other. This is not a card about power over another. This is not a card about force. This is a card about the quiet confidence one gains only through wisdom and love. This is about inner power, and how once one has found that inner strength, one's life is transformed forever.


There isn't much more to say. It is true that this card radiate some inner calm and balance. It seems to be a pillar against the elements.