Victoria Regina - V - The Hierophant


I'm rather fond of this old fellow. I usually cringe at pope-inspired hierophants, associating them with oppressive religious institutions. But I have a different sense of this one. I have intentionally NOT yet read the companion book on this card, preferring to capture my uncensored, uneducated, intuitive thoughts before reading about the intentions and who the image is based on.

I see a kindly old man. He's surrounded by the walls and structures of his institution, but there is no roof, so he's directly under the open sky. Two keys float above his head, implying to me that the answers lie not in the dusty, formal, structured old building, but up with his divinity/god/wisdom. He seems bent over with all the responsibility and trappings of his position. And yet I feel that he remembers what its like to simply be under the sunlit sky with his god. This feels like a wise, kind, gentle spiritual leader, rather than a stuffy old pompous power-hungry figurehead.

I like him. :heart:


I am not in love of this card in general. But this particuliar one seems less severe and a bit more open minded. He seems to make a link between religion and the follower.