New deck


I've planned all my Major Arcana. Death is one of most fully developed. The artisan is one of my favourite cards I came up as a changed card. Temperance is the card I'm least happy with.

13 Death - Against a starry night a Jackal stands lapping at a beer, there is also a loaf bread in front of him. On the right side stand Nebt-het (Nephthys). The jackal is for yinepu (anubis), Nebt-het is a goddess of death and a psychopomp. She's traditionally drawn with the hieroglyph for basket on her head and sometimes has wings.

3 The artisan - A woman sits with embroidery in her lap, a fabric bag by her feet surrounded by growing things. -*upright. The artisan is skilled in her chosen crafts, imaginative. She is content in her work. Authority from knowledge. Reversed: A time of learning, alternatively a loss of skill due to ill health, a lack of authority, discontentment with the work.

14 Temperance - under a full moon (kemetic tradition associates the moon with healing) a jug and cup sit on each *end of a see-saw

I've got another 56 cards to plan before I draw anything. Hopefully temperance will sort herself out before then.