Anyone use card sleeves?

Le Fanu

I have an antique deck and all the cards are in these sleeves. I came across them in a newsagents and thought they'd be useful. I think they were for those nerdy Sci-Fi /Gaming card collectors.

The work wonderfully for protecting the cards but shuffling is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!

Have you ever tried shuffling with Mercury? I guess it's a bit like that. I defy anyone to try and keep the cards in one place whilst shuffling...


I could see sleeves as sensible to allow a truly vintage or unique deck to serve its purpose without as great a risk of ruin, but otherwise I think that it's unnecessary. Tarot isn't a game where stacking the deck or marking the cards is a route to advantage, and cosmetic wear is a sign of experience. For those who believe in cards adsorbing "vibes" from their handlers: Does plastic wrap prevent cards from "connecting", for better (preventing contamination) or worse (preventing the deck from "working" for the reader)? Do we have any heavy duty practicioners who have worked a deck from brand new to uselessly worn?
Le Fanu said:
The work wonderfully for protecting the cards but shuffling is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!
If you mean that they like to slide away from each other and spill about, that's typical for new sleeves. A little bit of wear from use and (quality) sleeves become easier to handle than naked cards. They do demand an overhand interweave shuffling style, but they mix more easily and evenly that way than do "clumpy" decks by riffle shuffling.


Years ago I got the sleeves for Legend of the 5 rings game - it was the new interest at that time. The sleeves were always said to be used to make them uniform so people couldn't cheat - I think at one time it was even mandatory . . . oops, I'm getting to geeky. :D

I guess its like anything else try it, if it works use it. I agree that with a thick deck like the Illuminati, shuffling would be interesting to say the least. I agree that for rare decks and hand crafted decks (where durability of finish might be a question).

Now though I've never heard if there is relationship between quality of reading and physical contact of the shuffle.



Im a magic player, and yes sleeves necessary to protect magic cards from damage and wear which will devalue a card's worth. Magic cards can be quite expensive individually, and the financial investment one puts into it should be protected.

As for tarot sleeves... the thought came across my mind a few times. With the size of tarot cards, it would make shuffling more awkward and take some time to get used to.

However tarot sleeves offers a new possibility. Many tarot decks are the same size, especially decks from the same publications. With sleeves, you can mix cards of several decks to get a unique combination art and feel. Mix vampires with bunnies. Mix traditional imagery with some really different art styles. You can have the swords suit for one deck and cups from another. Don't like how Death and Justice look in one deck but love the rest? Replace them with ones you like! There is some fun to be had with mismatching tarot decks, and sleeves provides the neutral card backing to do a proper reading. There are some tarot apps on phones by "The Fool's Dog" that provide this kind of experience, and its really is interesting, but this way, you cater the decks you want.

Also card sleeves an help someone use a deck they like everything about BUT the card back. Lets be honest, some card backs are ugly. Or they are not conducive of reversals (card backs that aren't mirrored designs) and you want to read reversals. Sleeves can open those possibilities for people.