Discussion on the Ego (split from the Colors in the RWS thread)


Ravenest...WE, is in use instead of I,MY,MINE,...we came to a conclusion(A personal one)on the breakdown of the" I AM". we'll post them here though some may not agree with our findings,that's ok,it's just more stuff,pick what you may from it...."I",we've experienced as the first separation(from source),AM,is the first judgement.We have experienced "ALL".The more I's in play the further from source one drifts, though to exist, one needs an identity,the more I's,the more solid ideas become... WHY,is a personal issue too,we've found it's the main tool for I's attention building,we still run into the use of why ourselves,so our attention is piqued whenever we come across it.we've decided to uncreate,it's surprising the results.But that's our trip.we "feel"our way through stuff,we also feel the essence of what's been presented,we trust totally in that.The more burdens we shed the more enlightened or unburdened we become,allowing more and more sensitive feelings through,not a trip for the feint hearted,one becomes a target for SOLIDLY defined personalities...So,,,,perhaps you can now understand our quest,colours have a "feeling",and if someone sheds light on the colours,and that feels ok,then ,that's for us...Thanks for your input.


ever noticed how sorrow feels heavy thick slow.Anger feels quick and sharp,but still thick,laughter light airy uplifting,


re-pete-a said:
Ravenest...WE, is in use instead of I,MY,MINE,...we came to a conclusion(A personal one)on the breakdown of the" I AM". we'll post them here though some may not agree with our findings,that's ok,it's just more stuff,pick what you may from it...."I",we've experienced as the first separation(from source),AM,is the first judgement.We have experienced "ALL".The more I's in play the further from source one drifts, though to exist, one needs an identity,the more I's,the more solid ideas become...

Hmm, but it makes it very confusing for everyone living in this material world, and please do believe me when I say that I understand what you mean when you talk about distinction from the source. But perhaps by referencing yourself as 'WE' all the time, you also come across as assuming some sort of elevated dichotomy of persona. The royal 'WE' combined with your explanation seems like a deliberate fragmentation of your personality which makes it difficult in conversation especially on a forum which deals only in the written word, no body language etc.


Milfoil....thanks for your comments,we'll add a little more to the words world.......
I=one,we=more than one.....Idd,sub,here.........we acknowledge our multiplicity,and are willing to experience the difference,no one can experience for another,you choose yours,though we're willing to listen and take note.In time perhaps we'll find we're wrong /right,till then ???please re-read our previous post,No16....this thread is about the colours and how they feel,as well as their hermetic heritage,it's good that you FEEL something,may we suggest that you FEEL your way down to the cause of your enquiry here,you may find it's origin interesting to look at.You may also find that starting with the question"what do I feel towards/about this." may open the door for you.Enjoy the experience.........a reminder that there's consequences for turning on the golden light,it attracts??????????we're game,we have the scars from previous encounters.


Milfoil said:
Hmm, but it makes it very confusing for everyone living in this material world, and please do believe me when I say that I understand what you mean when you talk about distinction from the source. But perhaps by referencing yourself as 'WE' all the time, you also come across as assuming some sort of elevated dichotomy of persona. The royal 'WE' combined with your explanation seems like a deliberate fragmentation of your personality which makes it difficult in conversation especially on a forum which deals only in the written word, no body language etc.

Yes Millie, the semantic nitpicking (or attempted) justification of a 'red herring' is certainly obscuring the communication on this one! A shame, :( it can be a very interesting subject.


ravenest said:
A shame, :( it can be a very interesting subject.
Agreed. We are not amused. :D


we're looking for gold,is there a clairvoyant in the house that can turn on the lights???..........oh well,,back to sifting more stuff,


There is /was nothing stopping input into the subject of colour or any other input,BUT>>> it seems the subject is neglected in preference to semantics.Which is a shame, we thought RAVENEST had quite a lot to offer on the subject .another HI to AEON....We're prepared to say O.K.You win!!!now can we continue,Aeon we believe we ticked you off,apoligies....we also believe you have stuff to offer,YES?We'll even back out of the thread and simply observe the discourse,without comment,Almost anything ...Here it's yours!!!!


No one has been ticked off. ;) But communication is difficult at the best of times, so why make things more difficult by introducing "we"?

We may be Legion, but I much prefer I.


"we".... stop the ROCK THROWING by I"s....WE is a gate that allows free flow of light, translucent,, ,an opaque condition is formed when too many SOLID CREATIONS (BELIEFS)become so dense as to cast a shadow,this shadow is believed to be THE ONE. THose lost in shadows believe that the shadow is worth defending,they wish to turn off the insulting light," WE" knows that theres a shadow,and refuses to rejoin,WE knows that to become light, needs to disperse the CAUSE of the shadow.When definition becomes less defined the I's start to dissipate, LIGHT causes the edges of shadows to be less defined,therefore allowing MORE ,a window if you will......WE,,, what a small thing to cause such a comotion.....to the expanded learned EGO,we is just a word ....ALL other attachments are beliefs,including ours,See how locked into beliefs one becomes,see how hard it is to change them,see how much effort is in place to defend them,,,,,where's the light.....it's attracting????????!!!ever wonder the reasons the alchemists hid their knowledge in abstracts.....Only by ones own work will the LIGHT be revealed,,all the words read ,all the talk talked, will not release the secrets.ONLY by experience can the truth be gleaned ,please check the tarot....For now, FEEL the implications of "I".THEN throw your stones........WE'll BE HERE.......TO FIND ONE'S BEGINNINGS ONE SHOULD FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS BACK,We're going home !!