4 of wands


I keep getting the four of wands in the future position. Especially pertaining to a relationship with one person. Can anyone tell me more about this card? I know it has a lot to do with stability.


All the Fours are about stability. In many post-RWS decks, this card has been seen as being about a happy home and family. In one deck I have, it shows a handiman working on a house.

Wands are about direction, activity, energy, ambition. Coupling that with stability, you get a picture of the card being about focussed attention, care, devotion to duty, and a "slow and steady" approach to longer-term goals.


I always see it as a card of celebration (4wands) in relationships though a happy stable oné with good solid foundation built to last even marriage or laying foudations to live together speacily with the 10 cups and 2 of cups aswell as,the page :)