LS Secret Tarot - Death


Interesting thought about water being both life-giving and threatening. Perhaps indicating that life is eternal in a sense. I don't see water in the image, but it's an interesting idea. The card has always reminded me of Hades and the river Styx. Probably the reddish-brown coloring. It's like dirty, carbon-dioxide saturated blood...not rich, red, oxygen-saturated blood. I like what someone else posted about Death's triumphant posture being a reminder of the fact that death is absolutely inescapable. The cycle of numerous funeral processions reminds me that death is a continuous cycle. I read on another site that we must die to the old in order to give birth to the new. Another way to put it might be that the present moment continuously dies to the past in order to give way to the future.


teaguejb said:
I read on another site that we must die to the old in order to give birth to the new.

What is this other site?


Sanctum_Priest said:
What is this other site?

I can't remember where I read that. I tried looking for that quote again, but I can't find it. I reread my earlier post, and I think I paraphrased really poorly. I think the other idea was that each present moment dies to the past so that the future can unfold. Something like that. Sorry for being so imprecise with this quote. The idea really stuck with me even though the exact wording has escaped me.