Two of Cups


I wonder how many folks think of their own special partners and significant others when the "Two of Cups" comes up in a reading? I know I can't help but think of my husband...happily married for 27 years and counting...thank the God/Goddess. Robin's Two of Cups features a decidedly joyous, starry-eyed, and over-the-moon- happy couple. Robin informs us in her book that she chose to draw a man and a woman, especially emphasizing them as "opposites;" drawn with different hair coloring, etc.; with their respective clothing of colors that represent their unique personalities: He ~ red and gold to stand for the "sun, the will and the conscious mind." She ~ blue and silver to stand for the "moon, intuition and the unconscious." And it's no surprise to me, given Robin's continued use of fish in the suit of Cups, that fish adorn the woman's skirt, " show that she is at home with her deep show that she is also aware of the passionate, vibrant side of things." But just because a man and woman are depicted on the Two of Cups, as a reader I'm not chained to thinking that couples are only that particular mix. That said, I feel the Two of Cups could be referring to ANY combinations of gender, age, race, culture, etc.

The Two of Cups personifies two entities with their own unique qualities coming together as one...with the hopes of uniting the best of both entities into an even stronger, more vibrant whole. Not necessarily do these two people have to be lovers or intimate. In fact, they may be partners in a business, two friends, two family members, etc. In addition, I question whether they need to be two people at all...why not two nations, two groups, two companies, two anything?! Why not, indeed!!

If the Two of Cups came up in a reading, perhaps it signifies that someone/something would benefit by joining with someone/something else. If reversed, it could indicate that this is not so or not the time to do so or it may even emphasize the actual severing of a relationship/pact. Upright, maybe the Two of Cups alerts the reader/querent that a particular, significant someone may be entering one's life (or they're already present, waiting to be noticed and appreciated!) Upright, the Two of Cups could represent peace or healing between two opposites. Reversed, possibly trust has been, is or in danger of being broken; the truce...if there was one...called off.

I like to look at other cards that show up in a reading and see if I can see a relationship between them. How interesting it would be if the Two of Cups appeared with the Magician: Lots of sparks, magick and energy flowing! Or how about the Two of Cups with Robin's Temperance card: Maybe a relationship is moving way too fast or is out of control? Then there's the Two of Cups and the Lovers: ooh la la!!


I recently did a reading for a friend who is trying to get visitation with his daughter. His ex hid the pregnancy from him when they broke up three years ago and he just found out about the daughter back in January. He's currently trying to get visitation now that the DNA test has indeed confirmed that she is his. The 2 of Cups came up as his course of action to take, Justice as the conditions behind it, and the outcome was the Ace of Cups. He's having to go to court, and he is being fair to her as well, and trying to make that relationship with his daughter a reality, but the outcome says that he will be able to establish that relationship. Love is still involved here, but in a whole different context.

It's interesting that, depending on what you're doing the reading about, that 2 of Cups could be the joining together of just about anything. I had it come up once for an artist friend who was stuck in her work. She was trying to do several different things at once at that point and everything seemed to be blocked. When the 2 of Cups showed that she needed to join her creativities together, her work took on a whole new dimension.


Waterfaery wrote:
It's interesting that, depending on what you're doing the reading about, that 2 of Cups could be the joining together of just about anything. I had it come up once for an artist friend who was stuck in her work. She was trying to do several different things at once at that point and everything seemed to be blocked. When the 2 of Cups showed that she needed to join her creativities together, her work took on a whole new dimension.

Wow, I couldn't agree with you more, Waterfaery. Neat examples of readings...thanks for sharing. In fact, it's endless how one could interpret any card really, given the reader in combination with the querent in combination with question asked in combination with the spread in combination with where it falls in the spread in combination with what cards are also in the spread, in combination with the deck used, etc. etc. etc.....
THAT'S at least part of why I think Tarot is so powerful.


For me this card has shown up a lot when I have posed questions relating to my sister. I am reminded of a bumper sticker on facebook that says "a good friend will come bail you out of jail. a true friend will be sitting next to you, saying [bad words]."

this card isn't my hubby because he would bail me out -- he is the rock of responsibility and stability. this is my sister because everything that happens to us happens to both of us and the fact that you aren't alone in the jail cell helps keep you sane till someone comes to bail you out!

the card in the deck has no "anchor." The picture is balanced, but not held down by anything, nothing touches the characters except each other. The background is flat and non-descriptive. I see this as people that go together wherever they go, but not necessarily in control of where that is or what happens. It is just that having the other one around flattens the background - no matter what it is, it is easier because you are not alone.


wow, moosebouse, you say you are new to this? that sounds very observant to me, you're a natural ! Did you read tarot before you found the Robin Wood deck? you must've got your mom's abilities then