books on quantum physics, synchronicity and tarot


Aerin said:
actually you can't prove things in science anyway.

Strongly disagree. Experimental studies, in rigorous controlled conditions are MEANT to prove things.


daphne said:
Strongly disagree. Experimental studies, in rigorous controlled conditions are MEANT to prove things.

Er, no, sorry, I disagree equally strongly if by "proof" you mean that a theory has definitely been shown to be true.

You prove things in mathematics. In science you provide evidence for things but it doesn't prove that a theory is right, just that so far you haven't found anything to contradict it.

For example see here

and here


I second Aerin here.

Science's work (factual science to be specific) is to get closer to the laws of nature... that we accept that exist. Science build systems of knowledge that we call theories, full of theorems, axioms, and low level hypothesis that are accepted as valid (not true, valid) meanwhile another better theory is developed... and experimental studies are to collect evidence that will be considered so under the light of a theory. Not the other way around: we don't built theories or bodies of knowledge from experimental data.
The scientific method is another thing, usually misunderstood as synonym of experiments.

This is properly explained by epistemology.


Moderator Note

Please remember that this forum is for discussion of Books & Media related to tarot, not for discussion of what constitutes "proof."


rwcarter said:
Please remember that this forum is for discussion of Books & Media related to tarot, not for discussion of what constitutes "proof."

Sorry, I stop with this.


Thank you for your input, for sure I`ll get into some of the books named here.


There is also the documentary (if it can be called that) 'What the Bleep do we Know?'

Take its contents with a ten-ton grain of salt, cause they hijacked quantum physics and bent it to fit their message. At least one of the phycisist in the movie got upset after the movie was released cause they edited his comments to say something he didn't mean to.

Anyway, it is a feel good movie. But again, it is not really quantum physics.