The AT Frankenstein Patchwork deck


La Fanu, I have a Feng Shui tarot that is short a few cards, so I could donate a couple of those. Would that help? What cards would you most want, or do you only want one from each deck? Sorry, I haven't gone back and re-read the original post.

Le Fanu

Wonderful, jcwirish! It's one per deck and we don't have the Feng Shui represented! Would you like to choose one of these?

2 of Wands
7 of Wands
Knight of Wands
10 of Cups
Queen of Cups
Ace of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
King of Pentacles

Have a look at the cards you've got and see which is the most beautiful!


I posted a link to here (I'm 100% sure that is allowed) using my competition thread entry, hopefully that will get some traffic here happening and some unassigned cards ... assigned!


I've already donated cards from the Angel tarot and the Cosmic; but I also have the Prince of Wands (Cosmic) and King of Pentacles (Angel) sitting here, both charming gentlemen in good physical shape who would love to see the world and meet new people.

Not sure if it helps, but... If you need to do some puzzling around in the end to make things fit, and somebody else has a spare Six of Swords or Ace of Wands to give, let me know and I can change my cards.

Le Fanu

GeorgiePorgie said:
I posted a link to here (I'm 100% sure that is allowed) using my competition thread entry, hopefully that will get some traffic here happening and some unassigned cards ... assigned!

So few left. It would be so exciting to enter *the next phase*...

Le Fanu

Oddity said:
If you need to do some puzzling around in the end to make things fit, and somebody else has a spare Six of Swords or Ace of Wands to give, let me know and I can change my cards.
Hear that? Anyone who has either of these cards from a deck yet to be represented, give a shout and we'll re-juggle!


If you want to jiggle my Mythic Tarot contribution around, I'm cool with that. I'll let you figure out if that works because I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet, so my brain is still on snooze.

As long as you don't need the Fool, any other card is fine.


I've torn up my boy's room and can't find the Osho Zen. :(

Few more corners to crawl into, but my hopes are slim. Sorry Folks, I really wanted to help.

Le Fanu

GeorgiePorgie said:
If you want to jiggle my Mythic Tarot contribution around, I'm cool with that.
Thank you, but doesn't really help coz then I'd have a hole where your Mythic was (4 of Pentacles!) :)


All I have remaining out of the list of wanteds is the Knight Pentacles, Spiral Tarot. (My spiral is broken ,and I distribute random cards in the community).

the Spiral is fairly small: Le Fanu, what's happening about disparate sizes? (I haven't read the whole thread).Are larger ones going to be trimmed and/or smaller ones mounted on cardboard? Otherwise there could be shuffling issues ...

Also, has anyone suggested the idea that the final deck could be sent out with a blank diary around everyone who participated, to do one reading, record it in the diary, then send it onwards, so the deck has real history as a working deck when it finds its final home?

(and where do I send my knight?)