The Lilith Bible Tarot by Lorelei Douglas


I love the premise but the artwork doesn't quite do it for me. Colors are a little too bright, images a little too cartoony. A second look indicates that despite those detractors this is a strong deck. You thinking of buying it, MG?


I love the premise but the artwork doesn't quite do it for me. Colors are a little too bright, images a little too cartoony. A second look indicates that despite those detractors this is a strong deck. You thinking of buying it, MG?

i had the initial same reaction to the artwork, but there is still something oddly compelling about
this deck...

i decided to purchase it, so it is in the queue on gamecrafters.:heart:


Will be interested to see how you like it. It's roaming around in my psyche now lol.


Will be interested to see how you like it. It's roaming around in my psyche now lol.

It is #409 in the queue, so it will be a while; but supposedly it is scheduled
to ship on the 28th. The Companion book looks really interesting too.
That is available on Amazon, but it is a bit pricey--$35 for a 144 page book.
It is available for Kindles, too, though--for much less. i don't really like Kindles, though.
i will need to wait for the book...


Cardbacks are gorgeous. Wish I could get a better look at the cards themselves. Gamecrafter doesn't show individual cards and a Google yields zip. I guess it's still too new a deck to have many available online images.


Cardbacks are gorgeous. Wish I could get a better look at the cards themselves. Gamecrafter doesn't show individual cards and a Google yields zip. I guess it's still too new a deck to have many available online images.

Actually, you can see individual suit views of the cards here:

i am totally in love with the card backs--like you said--GORGEOUS!!!

And i just found out there is a downloadable LWB, which also shows some of the cards:


Saw those already but they're not close-up enough for my aging eyes ;) Was hoping for some full-sized pics. I imagine some will be floating around the web soon enough.


I love the premise but the artwork doesn't quite do it for me. Colors are a little too bright, images a little too cartoony. A second look indicates that despite those detractors this is a strong deck. You thinking of buying it, MG?

That sums up my feelings about it to a T. This would have needed decadent Aubrey Beardsley-style art or something visceral, with more punch to it.

I'm still curious, though, especially since both La Gitanilla and Madrigal seem to be interested in it, and they are discerning folks... :)



I became more and more intrigued as I browsed the Gamecrafter page for this deck, and then I read the entire LWB.

The premise IS intriguing, and describes something that I would be very interested to see in the world! But I honestly don't think that the deck fully delivers, from what I can see.

The Major Arcana do the best job of "illuminat[ing] the polytheistic pagan roots of Judeo-Christian religious scripture and ideas," because these arcana are the most Lilith-heavy. Absolutely love the renaming and it's amazing how well the parallel systems correlate and illuminate the other.

The rest of the deck is so heavily Biblical that it feels very pop-Judaic to me. Does that make any sense? It's like the Bible turned dark pulp novel, pulp art. There's nothing wrong with this, but I don't find it "healing." It actually seems very Judeo-Christian to me; I don't see what is "pagan" about most of the minors. I find it an interesting cultural piece, full of good ideas, but I just can't tell if it delivers in actually subverting anything when considering all 78 cards.

My two cents :)

*P.S. - I get that the heavy Judeo-Christian framework is meant for people familiar with such stories to come to tarot with those understandings, and thus learn to read tarot, but I guess I just don't get who that would appeal to. :/