The Empress clarified by 7 of cups as an outcome


I used RW to read for a friend. She was wondering whether or not there is potential for her friendship with this guy to become long-lasting romance. I did a Celtic cross spread for her.

The outcome was the Empress, which I thought that they might nurture each other and could blossom into what my friend would hope for. However, the Empress seems to be very independent to me. After all, she is the queen of the queens. So I was not sure if this friendship would turn into romance. I asked for clarification and got 7 of cups, and this ended up backfiring. lol

Anyway, I think of 7 of cups as daydreaming, illusions, too many choices, and prioritizing. The pretty head in the last cup, from my understanding, is Venus/Empress. So I am trying to make the connection and see what the cups is trying to translate the message of the Empress.

Thank you for your input.


Empress may also show giving it some time. Empress is often shown as pregnant to represent gestation, the incubation of something. The foetus stays in the womb for nine months before being birthed. 7 cups is many choices some are illusions and fantasies; maybe wishful thinking and hence the empress may be showing gestation - of the ideas and thoughts and wishes clarified by the 7. Perhaps some time is needed for the character in the 7 cups to make up their mind

Ruby Jewel

I used RW to read for a friend. She was wondering whether or not there is potential for her friendship with this guy to become long-lasting romance. I did a Celtic cross spread for her.

The outcome was the Empress, which I thought that they might nurture each other and could blossom into what my friend would hope for. However, the Empress seems to be very independent to me. After all, she is the queen of the queens. So I was not sure if this friendship would turn into romance. I asked for clarification and got 7 of cups, and this ended up backfiring. lol

Anyway, I think of 7 of cups as daydreaming, illusions, too many choices, and prioritizing. The pretty head in the last cup, from my understanding, is Venus/Empress. So I am trying to make the connection and see what the cups is trying to translate the message of the Empress.

Thank you for your input.

I think the Empress is daydreaming....trying to manifest her dream....possibly this is saying that reality may not be what the dreamer is imagining it would be. Perhaps she needs to get to know this guy better.


Plenty of potential...but HOW to get the potential desired?

As the 7/Cups is a carlification, you have to try and find similarities in meaning. One is an element to the Empress, rarely noted in most meanings: Creativity. She is, like a gardener, sculptor or mother, someone who has a creative vision. And she may imagine many outcomes for what she's "making." Be it her garden, her sculpture or her child. Likewise, as in the 7/Cups, we all imagine how things will go and what we'll do if they go that way. We may imagine more than one way things can go and what we'll do in each case.

Which means the cards, answering the question "Is there romantic potential to this friendship" are saying: "this friendship has the potential to be anything you imagine it to be...but you, like the 7/Cups, are staring at this area of soil and dreaming up possiblities rather than using your Empress power to water, fertilize and make it grow as you wish...." Being honest, "is there potential" is not what your friend wants to know, is it? Your friend *wants* there to be a romantic potential, doesn't she?

Which means you, as her reader, need to get her to ask better questions. Like: "What will happen between the two if she does nothing?" And if she doesn't like the outcome of THAT reading, then she'd better ask "What should I do to get the outcome I want?" Because those two cards say there's plenty of potential. But nothing comes of potential, not unless you work to make it real. The cards can help her with what to do...but she has to be willing to be more Empress than just creatively imagine. She has to be willing to go out into that garden and start planting seeds.


Sorry for late replies.

@Rachx - thank you for your input. I did think that the figure in 7/C was my friend as she, at the time, was still on the fence regarding whether or not she would like to make a move.

@Ruby Jewel - yeah, I personally had 'daydreaming' feeling about 7/C but never with the Empress. That's why I wasn't sure how to connect the two together.

@Thirteen - I had read your other replies for a while and was delighted that you replied. I never saw 7/C the way you described before. Now that makes a lot of sense, considering all the other cards that showed up in the reading.