Deirdre of the Sorrows - Ace of Cups


This can be a real energy boost if you are feeling a little empty emotionally, or have concerns/frustrations with a relationship issue. The water is gushing into the cup as opposed to flowing sedately. Therefore there is the possibility of a real surge in the area being questioned. Stars are dancing intermingled with tiny hearts. Yep, you may just find you are totally swept away with the emotion of it all, or you could even be swept off your feet by the appearance of somebody who has the potential to really get you tingling!

And if you feel you luck has not been too good lately, take heart – you have the lucky horseshoe and the presence of the shamrock. It is not just the Irish who have luck – some of it may well be coming your way.

Overall, there is a lot going on with this card, much more than we realise when we first take a peek.

As Deirdre has already said, one tree is bearing fruit, the other tree is not yet in bud. The tree on the right also has a snake entwined around the trunk, symbolising healing, dreams and prophecy. If ever there was a card shouting out “Stay positive!” this is it. By sending your intentions out with a positive affirmation or attitude, you really increase your chances of it being returned to you as a realisation. Therefore we have a gentle scolding here. If you do not value yourself, and put yourself down, how can you expect to attract that special energy you are seeking? If you have been feeling a little down about yourself, now is the time to start realising you are special, and to start praising yourself on a regular basis. Turn that stagnant emotion/energy into a cascade. It is surprising how healing this could be for you on an emotional level.

Deirdre has indicted this could represent a pregnancy. The Cup is the womb, and the next looks as though it will not be empty for long. However, she has rightly indicated it could also signify a new start with a new home. I am typing this as the birds are nesting around us, and it never ceases to amaze me how they manage to create such an remarkable feat of nature with the dexterity and skill they possess. Each nest starts with one twig, or one piece of lichen. With incredible patience, they build what is to be what I class as one of the wonders of nature. If you are looking to start a new home life, you will hopefully get the same level of enjoyment and satisfaction from making it your own special place. It may take time, and need some patience etc, but you will be able to look back with pride when you realise you were responsible for how it looks. Although the dove is flying towards the next in this card, I believe it could also indicate the leaving of the nest. When this happens the emotions can be very mixed depending on who we are reading on behalf of. For the person making the move it could be exciting yet daunting. Their emotions may well be cascading as they embrace the new challenges. For the person left behind in the nest (a lone mother or both parents etc) they may feel as though the house is now empty without the energy of their offspring. This could be why one tree is not showing fruit any more – it is as if something is now missing. I believe this feeling of loss would only be temporary. Before long they will realise they can fill their lives again in other ways, and in ways which will bring personal enjoyment, as opposed to doing what is needed for their offspring. Thus, the berries and fruit will once again appear, indicating the start of a new energy or venture. Certainly if this card appeared with a card such as the 7 of coins, they may have the chance to learn something new which will fill the gap left by their offspring. Therefore this change should be embraced. The emptiness will only linger if we let it.