What is the Y on the magician staff


that "y" looking symbol is a Tzaddi, as I told you.

what you think are mountains is water, a sign of aquarius, next to this is a lion, for leo, and then an eagle, for scorpio. "Taurus" is missing because it is inauspicious for Mercury to be in Taurus. See the Five of Cups for more on that.

This makes the images visible on the table it images of fixed Fire, Water and Air. The THREE MOTHER Letters and the Alchemical Principles. This is not my impression, it is the artist's intent.


lucifall said:
I think the middle picture between the bird and the mountain is an solar horse.

The Y and C i see on the staff:
Y could be the aramaic way of writing the Kaph and the C the Hebrew Kaph (=10)?

It seems to me that the simplest explanation is that the letters are the usual square Hebrew (actually Imperial Aramaic) letters used in the Hebrew Bible. They would therefore be Tsade and Kaph. (I hate that there's no standard English transliteration of Hebrew.) I appeal to Occam's razor in my defense. :)


greetings, friends

Here is a VERY interesting comparison view of The Magician's table and The Queen of Cups, with art images by Pamela Colman Smith


The "Y" seems to be thematic.

I was thinking about starting a separate thread just on The Queen of Cups image, but it also fits in here, with the surprising "Y" seeming to be part of the picture.

On the Queen of Cups, there are AIR angels, the WATER eagle (phoenix), and an obvious FIRE lion, with I must assume a "muddy" EARTH bull or something, all blotchy but of necessity relevant!


If there is a Y in that Qn of cups, it stands to reason that there would be another sign of significance in the same place on the opposite side.

I also agree that there is an image muddied on the chalice face and assume it is the same in nature as those pictured on the World card.
IE: a bull or a human head.


brightcrazystar said:
that "y" looking symbol is a Tzaddi, as I told you.

what you think are mountains is water, a sign of aquarius, next to this is a lion, for leo, and then an eagle, for scorpio. "Taurus" is missing because it is inauspicious for Mercury to be in Taurus. See the Five of Cups for more on that.

This makes the images visible on the table it images of fixed Fire, Water and Air. The THREE MOTHER Letters and the Alchemical Principles. This is not my impression, it is the artist's intent.

OK it may be water instead of mountains . The dove or bird pictured could be an Air sign.
But I'm afraid I don't see a lion in the middle. It could be a phoenix on an orb which would be your fire sign.
Which also lends to the theme of the world card pictured elements. Which would give us a bull .


re-pete-a said:
.....But I'm afraid I don't see a lion in the middle. It could be a phoenix on an orb which would be your fire sign.....
For me, it would be quite a stretch to think of it as either a lion or a Phoenix.


then suggest what you feel it is.


that symbol you have a hard time discerning is the lion laying down with its head reared in somewhat classic sekhmet style, it's paws out to the direction of the Magician's downpointing finger. the image is not as easy to tell on computer images, but look at this black and white and it is more obvious than color images. on my tarot, it is definitely obvious.



The Middle picture Lion Solar Horse

re-pete-a said:
But I'm afraid I don't see a lion in the middle.

I really see an horse (on a basement as statue) in it.

Water as the aquarius sign or moutains? The lines above look like moutains to me but i can imagine they can also look like giant waves of water....

This more looks like the aquarius symbol to me:
(on XIV which is attributed to sagittarius...)



brightcrazystar said:
"Taurus" is missing because it is inauspicious for Mercury to be in Taurus. See the Five of Cups for more on that.

Very interesting, I only wonder,
Where can I find this in the symbolism of Five of Cups?
