Secrets of the Lenormand Study Group - love - Case Study #4

Sylvie Steinbach



your answer:

The woman is the key card because she is who we want to know about. She is unstable and confused (clouds describing woman) concerning her commitment (ring) in a relationship with someone already in her life (dog + birds). She may even be engaged (birds + ring). She is very social, and likes to party and she could be promiscuous (garden). Her intention is to run away from her problems (snake + crossroads).

I'd say she's a party girl, she's currently unavailable (ring) and she's not interested in being in a committed relationship. Therefore, she would be a very bad choice for Charley to pursue.

This is excellent! It is right on! I think you got the hand of it. You worked your system the way I want it and therefore came up with the right comments. You can see my answer at a previous page...quite identical.

Now let's address the dog issue which is a key notion and a tricky one so your hesitation makes sense to me.

The dog card means that the person is already known in some way by the inquirer if the dog stands right by the key card -man or woman-.

If the dog is not right next to it, then the animal could be representing someone the key card knows.

So to come back to your comment:

I'm still feeling a little confused about the dog. Could these cards indicate that Natasha's current partner is someone Charley knows or knows of? Or does that only apply if the dog falls directly next to the key card?

No the dog refers only to the woman card in this case.

And finally you ask:

Also, regarding the list of character attributes on page 180 of your book, would these apply to the cards directly next to the key card only? Or could we read the snake in the above cards to mean that Natasha is also a liar and cheater?

Usually the rule is the key card and the cards right next to it which means the one on the left and the one on the right. For any rule there are exceptions. Ah yes! the snake could be integrated because it follows the story you already came up with by following the system. It just adds on to it...But it is not a comment i would give straight up to the client. I will just say -unless the client insists by asking that question!- that she most likely to be uncommited with her lovers. Just let him use his imagination to compensate for what you did not say...Don't volunteer info particularly if they add to the injury if they are not necessary. The client asks you: could she cheat? well I guess you do not have to do an additional spread to answer that one!

So congratulations on your successful reading...

See you at the next case study :)


Natasha - case study #4

Once again, I haven't looked at the posts yet on this case..right at looking at this spread, the answer 'NO' jumped out, that she wouldn't be a real possibility for relationship, but let me see if I can write this correctly..

Looking at the 2 cards next to the 29-woman, there's the 6-clouds and 20-garden. The clouds describe her as deceiving woman, and possibly unstable.
The 20-garden shows her to be a social butterfly; she likes to be with lots of people, and will lie if it suits her! not a good combination.

There is someone else in her life, that she isn't disclosing to Charley.
The 12-birds suggest that this other person and she would be defined as a couple; and the 12 birds + 25-ring suggests that there was recently an engagement or commitment.
The 6-clouds hints that she's possibly confused about this other relationship, but that she is definitely not being forthright with Charley about her status.

Again, with 6-clouds + 29-woman + 20-garden, you've got deceitful & social, which says to me that she's "not the commiting kind"!

With the snake there, I would warn Charley about getting any closer, because Natasha is pure trouble! She has weak morals,tends to lie, and is someone who would cheat and betray and not think twice.
20-garden+ 7-snake shows her as a trouble maker and with 22- crossroads coming right after says to me that she would have multiple partners, and would deny it and take off.
She is a total risk!! I would advise Charley to give this one a miss, or be prepared for alot of drama.

I can't think of anything else...hope I got that straight! lol will check the posts now-

Sylvie Steinbach

Congratulations Lisa!

Perfect analysis! There is nothing more to add as you said it all!

If JD is looking at this, the reason why Lisa can say to the client all of these is because she is not saying: she is cheating on you! She generalizes the behaviour to make it a lifestyle description so that the client does not take it personally.

It does not change the truth but it is good to generalize sensitive information or to convey your messages through metaphors or little fables...the client still gets the point but has a psychological buffer to the hard truth! Sometimes it makes no difference though. The truth hurts egos, hearts and can bring people to denial. Men tend to take it better than women.

Any more questions on this exercise?


Hi Sylvie,

Thank you for the excellent feed back! I see now how the snake could be used because it offers more information to support the previous cards. The dog makes more sense to me now too.

I do understand what you mean about the way Lisa phrased her reading by providing the news in a way that would not hurt or offend the client. I learn as much from Lisa's feed back as I do from my own.

Lisa, nice job!

I'm learning a lot with each case study! See you in the next one.



Whew! Hooray! What a relief! lol

I was very careful before writing anything this time!
Thank you both for your nice words...I'm glad you're here JD so that there's someone else to bounce off with at the same time.
I learn from your posts too :)

Onwards to the next case --

Phoenix Rising

Sylvie Steinbach said:
Case #4: Charley wants to know if the woman he met yesterday is a real possibility for relationship. Her name is Natasha.

18-dog + 12-birds + 25-ring + 6-clouds + 29-woman + 20-garden + 7-snake + 22-crossroad

Starting with the woman card
clouds show that recently in the past she is feeling confused and unsettled at heart.
Garden-she enjoys mixing it with other people.

Dog+birds+ring -shows she is definitely in a relationship birds (couple) and ring a partnership, but she is not content within it (moon)

Other side..Garden+snake..a trouble maker, a snake in the garden!!
Snake+crossroad, an escapist, so when trouble hits she runs.

I would advise Charley to give her the flick she's no good.


Sylvie Steinbach


Ah ah that is a funny answer!!! don't know if Charley would have had the same sense of humour about the girl. You can look at my answer on how to verbalize the situation to the client...Anyway It is the right insight.

Sylvie Steinbach


I would like to take a moment to remind everyone who is following the virtual course that in order to attend and participate to the threads called 'Secrets of the Lenormand group study', one must have the book 'The Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle' and a small Lenormand deck of 36 cards.

This is a free virtual class you can print the course and work on your time. I will always interact and respond to the posts -as a teacher- and on PM if needed. But in order to post your answers on any of those threads you must have the pre-requisites. IF not you are welcome to watch, read and print...But please do not post to avoid confusion on the meanings of the cards and the reading techniques. Your cooperation is greatly appreciate to ensure clarity in the threads for the students who are actively involved.

Thank you very much :)