Are You My Soulmate?


Okay, I don't understand past lives. I mean, I know what it is about, but if there are millions of people in this world now, wouldn't there have been millions of people in the past life? So what were the chances of meeting the people in our life now in our past life?

That is what is so confusing to me about the past life section. If I meet a guy now (among many guys I have met in life) what are the chances that we met in our past life? And how would I know and remember it.

Or is the past life section not about that? Just trying to understand.

People we reincarnate with in every life are our soul family, hence the word soulmates. We have more than one soul mate. In every life they have different roles. e.g.. your soulmate you're dating right now could have been your enemy in past life, or friend, or father, etc. Souls make contracts before reincarnating for learning lessons. They make aggreements on situations, e.g.: in this life we won't be together because you have to learn to let go and i have to learn to do what i want and concentrate on work.

That's why it's important to see what was your relationship in past life because there is baggage you bring from past life and it might have to be dealt with in this life if it hasn't been resolved.


15: Is lover your soulmate (are you destined to be together, pay very close attentions to this card /advice)
16: How relationship will always be between you and lover

Can we assume that 16 is a clarifier of 15?
I just had Star as 15, and 9/cups for 16 (both some form of "wish" card).


Thanks LadyBlackRose, this seems to be a very interesting spread... I will surely try it out tonight and post my feedback here... Many thanks again...