Astrological Tarot Decks


Tarot that incorporates Astrology to make the best possible fit.

Any suggestions/recommendations?


Thoth; Haindl


Attached is a list of the Golden Dawn astrological correspondences. They are printed on the cards in such decks as Thoth, Tarot of the Sephiroth, Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, and the various decks with Golden Dawn in the name.

There are other systems of correspondences, for example the one that goes with Egyptian-style decks, like the Brotherhood of Light. I'm just starting to read up on this one.

Then there's the Celestial deck. I don't know exactly what the correspondences are, but I think in includes constellations as well as signs and planets! (It's on my wish list . . .)

Enjoy your astrological explorations!


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I don't know much about astrology, but I do know that my Blue Moon tarot (majors only) has astrological associations.
And I was just visiting the authors' (Julie Cuccia Watts) website last week, and it looks like she has just finished the Maat Tarot, majors and minors, which also has astrological associations. I couldn't see a release date though.
