i want to do readings in exchange for feedback.


Hi gorgeousbutterfly! I would like a reading if you have time. Nothing specific just anything faery have to tell me. Thanks ^_^!



1)what the faeries want you to know? the singer of connection
2)possible block they want you to know about. O"that gnome
3)guidance to heal the block. the faery who was kissed by the pixies
4)additional message- solus

1)singer of connection- is there anything going around you invovled with socialization,family or friends that isnt' fair? or is someone you trusted disobey ou or hurt you? are you having hard time forgiving?i see maybe someone is doing something behind your back and possibly betraying you. i'm not sure if this is you, it could be you are doing this to others? the singer of connections wants you to remember no matter what is remember that we are all interconnected with each other. there might be a test here of unconditional love and accepting.. i am also seeing a possibility of you feeling lonely? maybe you issues with freinds. i see you need to open your heart. maybe your heart charka is closed off. faeries say love compassion towards others will help you open it up. sometimes when we are going through jealousy,grief or fear we close of from this. or it could be the oppposite too much emotions and getting numb. whatever it is you need to be aware of this and take steps. you also need support from others, this could be lack. you need mutual love and support.

2) you are afraid of taking the risk of opening your heart and opening yourself to the connection. maybe there is shyness here, too? don't take yourself seriously. be yourself. act naturally. he is telling you to laugh at yourself. there might be something you are afraid of in this situation, maybe opening your heart? or maybe just going out there in the world and talking to people, getting to now others. he saids these fears are silly and let them go. don't take it seriously. have a little fun with yourself and life.

3)opening your heart. being really open, open to everything, remember what i said earlier take a risk. its worth it. open yourself to the love , be receptive and be giving. i also see you might have low self esteem you need to work on.

here is something else they want you to know from an intercept of the book:
" The feeling of giving love is what makes us feel good. what keeps us from enjoying it fully is our desires to own others and to have them constantly "prove" our importance to them. such proof is impossible. however,this kind of conditonal and self limited love is part of how we learn real love."

also.... " the twisted energy of love shows up as jealousy,possessiveness,attetnion-seeking, and demanding behavior. it is focused on getting rather then giving and results in unhappiness rather then happiness." it is also based on entirely false idea that there is not enough love in the world for everyone to have as much as they need." another twist is to think its up to others to make us happy, when really it is our own responsibility.

" one of the worst things we can do is to deny love-pretend we feel it when we don't and to pretend we don't when we do. another is to try to destory love between others by manfs for any reason whatsoever."

4)solus- he has a message here for you to be more open with your heart. all these fairies are giving me individual message for you. and its like all the others. he says be "generous" open you heart and not only open it but make it visbile. let others see it. don't hide from it. get out of the darkness into the light, you won't regret it. work on your heart chakra. work on forgiveness. be strong, have strenght. you have it. also be grateful. if there is something you don't like about somoene right down five things you like about them and everytime they do somethng that drives you crazy state those five reasons in your mnd. work on seeing everybody as angels.


(Sorry I couldn't figure out how to quote things right lol)
"1)singer of connection- is there anything going around you invovled with socialization,family or friends that isnt' fair? or is someone you trusted disobey ou or hurt you? are you having hard time forgiving?i see maybe someone is doing something behind your back and possibly betraying you. i'm not sure if this is you, it could be you are doing this to others? the singer of connections wants you to remember no matter what is remember that we are all interconnected with each other. there might be a test here of unconditional love and accepting.. i am also seeing a possibility of you feeling lonely? maybe you issues with freinds. i see you need to open your heart. maybe your heart charka is closed off. faeries say love compassion towards others will help you open it up. sometimes when we are going through jealousy,grief or fear we close of from this. or it could be the oppposite too much emotions and getting numb. whatever it is you need to be aware of this and take steps. you also need support from others, this could be lack. you need mutual love and support."

Yes, i am kinda lonely actually, but part of me loves to be alone and the other part of me hates it with a passion. I know I do need to open up heart to my "classmates" but some people are just to hard to open up to. ( Believe me I have tried).

"2) you are afraid of taking the risk of opening your heart and opening yourself to the connection. maybe there is shyness here, too? don't take yourself seriously. be yourself. act naturally. he is telling you to laugh at yourself. there might be something you are afraid of in this situation, maybe opening your heart? or maybe just going out there in the world and talking to people, getting to now others. he saids these fears are silly and let them go. don't take it seriously. have a little fun with yourself and life."

I'm going to an acting camp soon and I'm kinda afriad that I might make a fool out of myself. ( I do that a lot lol :laugh:) But you know what the cool thing is? I was actually talking about it with "my" faery deck not to long ago. ( Actually I won't call it a conversation since I was just rambling on and on while shuffling my deck lol:laugh:) I guess I should have fun with life but it's hard ya know?

3)opening your heart. being really open, open to everything, remember what i said earlier take a risk. its worth it. open yourself to the love , be receptive and be giving. i also see you might have low self esteem you need to work on.

here is something else they want you to know from an intercept of the book:
" The feeling of giving love is what makes us feel good. what keeps us from enjoying it fully is our desires to own others and to have them constantly "prove" our importance to them. such proof is impossible. however,this kind of conditonal and self limited love is part of how we learn real love."

also.... " the twisted energy of love shows up as jealousy,possessiveness,attetnion-seeking, and demanding behavior. it is focused on getting rather then giving and results in unhappiness rather then happiness." it is also based on entirely false idea that there is not enough love in the world for everyone to have as much as they need." another twist is to think its up to others to make us happy, when really it is our own responsibility.

" one of the worst things we can do is to deny love-pretend we feel it when we don't and to pretend we don't when we do. another is to try to destory love between others by manfs for any reason whatsoever."

Yes I do have low self esteem. Why? Because lets just say I stand out in a crowd. And actullay I'm torn between to boys. And it seems the faeries know my situtation too well.

Thank you so much you just made my day!!:D:D I feel so much better now!!! I'm so glad that the fae were listening to me!! True be told I thought they didn't like me or that I was doing something wrong, and that that is why I can't communicate with them.

And Thanks again gorgeousbutterfly for doing the reading and taking the time to type all that!


Sorry I forgot the last part lol:laugh:

"4)solus- he has a message here for you to be more open with your heart. all these fairies are giving me individual message for you. and its like all the others. he says be "generous" open you heart and not only open it but make it visbile. let others see it. don't hide from it. get out of the darkness into the light, you won't regret it. work on your heart chakra. work on forgiveness. be strong, have strenght. you have it. also be grateful. if there is something you don't like about somoene right down five things you like about them and everytime they do somethng that drives you crazy state those five reasons in your mnd. work on seeing everybody as angels."

Solus, he is a cutie! LOL! But actually I kinda didn't really acknowledge him that much. Now I feel really bad! I wish I could actually hold up a conversation with my deck! lol ( I need to stopsaying that!) Could you do me a favor and tell the fairies I said thank you?

And Thank you I really really do appreacite it!!!