2 decks, same question, different outcome


Hi everyone,

I'm rather confused....I did 2 readings with different decks on the same question but the feel and cards of both readings could not have been more different :s

How should one deal with this?? Thanks for your insights


What were you hoping to achieve with two decks as opposed to one? Did you set out to do two readings on the same question with different decks or did you do the second reading because you didn't like the results of the first?


You did the second reading because...? You don't say how long the interval was between the readings. If it was the same day or within a couple of days, I don't think you gave the first reading enough time to manifest. If it was over a longer period, something could've changed in the situation that you're not aware of to alter its course.

If you did the two readings close together, then think of tarot like a good friend who you ask a question. 10 minutes later you ask them the same question and they sarcastically give you a completely different answer because you apparently didn't like the first answer they gave you.


Thanks for your replies :)

@ Jema: sure, I've learnt my lesson since a 2nd reading on the same question was more confusing but I was just curious to find out how my other deck would respond to the same question.

@Mused: I did set out to do 2 readings on the same question. I have two very different decks and if I look at the cards they mean something different to me from both decks.

@RWCarter: Ah yes, I should have mentioned the interval. It was a day in between..it wasn't that I didnt like the outcome but that I just wanted to test what the outcome would be with another deck. You're right I should let it manifest first but I find it interesting that another deck can react so different to the same question, anyways I can see how the decks would pull a sarcastic move on me ;) Thanks so much for sharing your insights!