...source for prices on used, secondary-market tarot decks?


The older engraved, antique decks are collected

by those who might like old European playing cards, chess sets, maps, posters, used and antique books. If they have esoteric or occultish tinges, these items seem to be rarer...not quite certain why. Perhaps the printing runs weren't so numerous...

Just like most items, getting to know one's subject takes time...and you'll find your specialty over time. I'm partial to Italian and French, still am learning to read more than keywords and partial sentence fragments. Nothing like bargain hunting instincts to develop one's study of language...

Tarock, tarot, and other cards are mixed in these lots below--the English pound or euro dollar equivalents can be checked through currency converter websites.


I'm starting to use 'historic" as a gauge for me in terms of thinking of what value certain secondary titles are to me. I do look at the auction sites to see if they have catalogues or post picture samples to compare to the reproductions I have...peeking to see 'authenticity' and 'aging' questions.

Best regards on your searches,
