Are there any crystals that help you rememeber your dreams?


Just wondering if there is a type of crystal that helps you remember your dreams. They usually fade very fast after I wake.


I would start by activating a nice piece of clear quartz specifically for this purpose. I'd choose a piece of quartz with one natural point (not a tumble or a cluster).

Quartz amplifies energy so asking the quartz to help you remember your dreams is asking it to do something very natural -- amplify the energy of the dream so it lasts longer after you wake up.

I'd expect you to get good results if, after activating it specifically for the purpose, you hold the quartz while laying in bed just before sleep and repeat several times "I will remember my dreams when I wake." Then put the quartz beside your bed, on top of an open notebook, with a pen nearby!

Good luck, I'd love to hear how it works out for you!


Clear quartz is great for this. So is moonstone, and jade (because it is effective for memory)
Smokey quartz will help with nightmares.

Avoid amethyst though. From my experience it seems to affect sleep and/or dreaming in a weird way.



labradorite... is great for dream recall.....

cleanse it before each use and program it for dream recall......

and then lay with it within your hand or under your pillow....

when you wake.... write as much as you can in a journal...

should really help with this.......... and yes clear quartz is great for clarity.....

so is uxelite........

take care...



That's good because I have a clear quartz! :D I'll try it out and let you know.