Conquering The Court - Page Swords


I would like to share some of the side of this page of swords. I actually have babysat one of this pesky page, and it is mentally exhausted for me.

- Like others have said this page is always asking "why". Always trying to dig further, their is no limit.

- They're very noisy, always trying to see what you have or investigating.

- Gossiping or saying things without sometimes thinking.

- They sometimes think they're right, so if you tell them something they get feisty.

- They're always in a hurry, you tell them to take a sweater or water because it is hot or cold outside and they don't listen sometimes. Once they're outside they're either complaining about being thirsty or cold.

- Lastly they like to be bossy sometimes, specially if the parent tells them it is alright.

- They're also a little bit superficial, specially at a young age.

- They're also picky when it comes to anything, that they think they don't like.

- They're tech savvy and also smart when it comes to mentally remembering streets and numbers.


on a darker note, has anyone seen the page of swords to come up as someone having a mental disorder, such as bi polar or something else? seems like some of his qualities in the extreme could lead in this direction.


How'd I miss these threads before?

As a messenger, yesterday the Page of Swords (actually the Thoth Princess of Swords) meant a book coming in the mail-- one that I didn't expect nearly so quickly. The Star showed up too, and the book happened to be about astrology. :bugeyed: Sometimes the cards are so literal. Come to think of it, there were two messages, and the Star relates to both. Hmm. Multi-layered meanings, correct on all levels, give me a warm fuzzy validation of Tarot.

It can also be a warning to watch what one says, that one may wind up having to eat one's words. (I have definitely had this meaning come up for me), or to check one's facts (me again :rolleyes:).

Sometimes it can be the answer to a puzzling question or problem, usually an intellectual one.

I'm always a little worried when I see this card because it too often means I opened or will open my big mouth when I shouldn't. Being a page, it can mean we regress into childish communications. (What does this card have against me? Sheesh!)

There are other positive meanings too, besides a book in the mail or a helpful solution, such as, "Stick to your guns, you're right, and you don't need to back down on this one." Especially if combined with Seven of Wands. Those two together can mean there'll be a little conflict over this, someone won't like it, but go for it.


I see this page as a kid being in love with his "new" toy: Ideas!!!! In the RWS, he holds that sword with so much... awe? Like it can conquer everything. He feels invincible, challenging people just because he thinks he can, that his wit will win it all, or at least give him the greatest time. That's key for me in understanding the page of swords: His sense of fun. He doesn't really want to hurt people, but often does because he hasn't learned the restrain needed to handle different subjects. It's like when I was little (my mom says) and would point at a person on the bus with some disability, and recite to the whole crowd what I knew about that disease or problem, while looking straight in the face of a very embarrased passenger.


You pesky page

I had this page turn up for me in a reading earlier today and was thinking and thinking about it all day long. What does it mean? What does it mean? I was really struggling with it.

I decided to take a break and waste some time on facebook where I noticed a post a friend of mine had made and was just about to write a really snarky (and probably best kept private) remark for everyone to see, when that page of swords ran across my mind and I stopped in my tracks.

Oh my gosh, what did I almost do?! Thank you page of swords for reminding me to shut my smart mouth!

<shaking head in shame and slapping self on the hand> :laugh: