Wildwood Cafe (Study group): 12 The Mirror


This thread is for in depth discussion on Major Arcana number 12 within The Wildwood: The Mirror. Even if you don't own the deck, I've attached an image of the card so you can still join in :)

I'll talk about symbolism and the images themselves later, but first off I'll explain what this card generally means to me. I think it asks the querent to reflect on the dark side of their being/nature. The card isn't overly light to me, what with the body in the boat, night scene e.t.c but I think it's a card for highlighting things that can and need to be changed - definitely a card of great interest to me.


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Okay, well one thing I noticed immediately, is she's holding the Moon...or at least appears to be doing so. According to the book, that's not a moon but merely an orb she's holding. But I think she's holding the moon, as though taking control of the self deceptions that can occur, knowing herself inside and out....

That was just my first reaction...gotta look more :)


yirabeth said:
Okay, well one thing I noticed immediately, is she's holding the Moon...or at least appears to be doing so. According to the book, that's not a moon but merely an orb she's holding. But I think she's holding the moon, as though taking control of the self deceptions that can occur, knowing herself inside and out....

That was just my first reaction...gotta look more :)

That's so true, and I'd never really thought of that... I guess it shows she has a firm grip on illusions and deceptions? The mirror in her other hand is turned away from the reader - I think it's forcing us to reflect, change, and grow - because she can't do it for us.



And, going with first reactions, that boat with the person inside seems to me to be like the 4 of Swords, with the stillness and introspection. Muted in color because it's not a REAL person....just a facet of this woman/serpent...being still going within herself to know herself...

The Heron interests me..animals always do... why is he wearing a totem bag on his neck? More study needed.


yirabeth said:

And, going with first reactions, that boat with the person inside seems to me to be like the 4 of Swords, with the stillness and introspection. Muted in color because it's not a REAL person....just a facet of this woman/serpent...being still going within herself to know herself...

The Heron interests me..animals always do... why is he wearing a totem bag on his neck? More study needed.

I know that in Chinese mythology, herons represent strength, purity, and patience. That would tie in well with the silence and introspection of the body on the boat. It's time to meditate, and think deeply about oneself...


Yes, and also in Egyptian mythology, as the creator of light -- perhaps bringing light to her dark side? Native Americans believed the Heron was symbolic of working with Nature's elements rather than going against..in this scenario, advocating accepting the dark side rather than hating it?

That totem bag still bothers me though. Why is it there? What does he bring with it?


yirabeth said:
Yes, and also in Egyptian mythology, as the creator of light -- perhaps bringing light to her dark side? Native Americans believed the Heron was symbolic of working with Nature's elements rather than going against..in this scenario, advocating accepting the dark side rather than hating it?

That totem bag still bothers me though. Why is it there? What does he bring with it?

That sounds great - I love the light / dark aspect of the card. Hence the orb of light, and the dark sky/waters. As for the heron's bag... a bit random but it made me picture a stork carrying a baby lol! Probably nothing to do with it, but perhaps the heron is holding an aspect of life in the bag. Or perhaps it's the dark side we've mentioned, but hidden away in the bag until we reflect on it. The heron has it in a bag because he's the bringer of light.


Hmm, yeah, definitely bringing something...good analogy. Not sure what yet :D But something helpful probably, with its skill in bringing light and moving with Nature instead of against it.


Any ideas on the woman herself? When I first saw the card, I thought she was a siren - you know, the creatures that supposedly lured sailors to their deaths.

I'm off now, but I'll be back on this time tomorrow. Great chat Yirabeth, some very interesting points have been raised :)


Hmm...she's half serpent, half woman...and (unfortunately IMO) serpents are known as a darker, perhaps evil, animal quite often...so two halves to her? Her "good" and her "bad"? Maybe. :) Serpents have a GOOD side too..maybe that in itself is part of it. The bad isn't all bad, there's good that can come from it...

Probably should look deeper into snake/serpent symbolism still :) I won't be around tomorrow until late(you'll be in bed by then) but, I'll definitely check in and see what's being said!