Mirroring //


I never use the 8x4+4 exctly for that reason, so the 9x4 works better when mirroring in my opinion. :)


Thank you for answering. I'm still playing with that GT I pulled on Fri. Anything that helps me make sense of it is good.


Since I also do the 8x4+4 for my GT, i would use the 4 rows and 8 columns for mirroring each other, and would leave the fate line alone while mirroring. if I really need more information i will use Andy's method of mirroring the fate line (card 33-34 mirror 27-28 and then card 05-06)


Newbie to Lenormand here:)

I understand which cards may mirror cards in a spread. That part I think I have down pat.

I am a bit mixed up what mirroring may mean. Is it simply another card combo to read?
Or is it almost like a clarifier.. (maybe not the right term)?? to the initial "story"? Or perhaps a bit of both?


as you read 1-2, 2,-3, 3-4, 4-5... It feels like a wave coming in from the ocean and hitting the shore.

The mirroring (1-5; 2-4; then 3 by itself) is like the wave receding back into the ocean after it hit the shore... It feels more complete for some reason.
I was wondering about this. In my attempts, it seems more like the adjacent pairs tell the immediate story, while the mirror pairs give a larger overview or comment on the adjacent pair story - sort of like someone standing back a bit from the situation and commenting on it rather than being in the midst of it. I'll have to try and observe the wave effect and see how that feels.


I was wondering about this. In my attempts, it seems more like the adjacent pairs tell the immediate story, while the mirror pairs give a larger overview or comment on the adjacent pair story - sort of like someone standing back a bit from the situation and commenting on it rather than being in the midst of it. I'll have to try and observe the wave effect and see how that feels.

That's just about right. :) Good job!! :D

I think the mirroring adds depth and nuances some of the information, possibly giving a more complete picture at times.


i still use the 8x4x4 not sure why, but it seems to work, even with the 4 extra cards i have, i like the shape and the over hang. mirroring also seems to work because it adds depth to an already rich subject, its like seeing more of the energy surrounding the subject