Tarot spellcaster & Tarot Magic(Aranca Mysteries)


I want to buy these book~

1.Tarot spellcaster
2.Tarot Magic(Aranca Mysteries)

Had anyone read these books and give me some comments??
Is it worth to buy??thank you very much>"<


Welcome to Aeclectic, ida.

With regards to Tarot Spellcaster, you will find some existing comments in another thread on the book (I have linked the discussion on the title, so clicking it will open that thread).

Personally, and as I mention in that thread, I do not think much of it - but others have differing views.

I trust this but begins some of the feedback you receive here :)


Personally I though the Tarot Spellcaster was a terrible book, but a very pretty one. The art is good as is the first section but the spells themselves are lackluster and never really seem to bring the tarot in very much... which should have be the point. Kpet it as a coffee table book for a while but then it went out in a cleaning spree.