Best Devil card?


I'm not sure about the "best" Devil card. One of the most sexy has to be in Legacy of the Divine Tarot. He is temptation! :thumbsup: :D

The Housewives Tarot Devil card is also adorable! :) I guess I should take some time to think about this. These are just the two that popped out. lol

I may be back with another answer! lol

Brightest Blessings! :heart:


It was a naming tradition of naming people after the town they came from, not the surname of a family. If the town was small enough, they might have known each other.

The Cleves were dukes of Kleve, Jülich and Berg. A ruling aristocratic family, and they bore the name of their realm. Katharina (15th century) lived earlier than Anna (16th century). But they were from the same family. By the way, the family still exists.


The Devil from the Tarot of the Crone.


It might not a "fearsome" illustration, but the Devil from Shadowscapes really drove the concept home for me. The Shadwoscapes Devil definitely gave me lightbulb moment!


It might not a "fearsome" illustration, but the Devil from Shadowscapes really drove the concept home for me. The Shadwoscapes Devil definitely gave me lightbulb moment!

Ironically, I just today chose to use the Shadowscapes as my deck of the week. I drew the Devil card today, and was thinking the same thing. Awesome card.


I like the devil card in the Joie de vivre tarot very much. A puppet master controling its puppet. But the puppet has the sollution in his hands to free himself.

The first time a saw a devil like that was in the Whimsical tarot. In wich the devil is pinoccio with his puppetmaster. Brilliant portrait of this card i think. The whimsical is just a bit to sweetly drawn for my taste so thats why i like it in the Joie de vivre tarot more.


My best is definitely the one in the Housewife's Tarot. It's the image of a piece of devil's food cake. It is the perfect card to show me that meaning of The Devil. The card to me is about feeling tempted to do something that you know is not in your best interest. And nothing tempts me to do that more than food. I can't tell you how many pieces of cake I have eaten when dieting, when I KNOW I shouldn't.

It's so perfect for it, when I see it it makes me laugh. LOL



The Mary El and the Anna K are probably my two favorite devil cards


I like the Devil in the Lebanese, but I don't have it figured out yet. Of the ones I halfway understand, my favorite is the the conventional B.O.T.A. Devil. The best antidote for taking the Devil (materialism) too seriously is the ISIS (Conver) version.


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