4 card reading versus 3 card reading?


I noticed over time that I get the most out of four card readings. I love the nr. 4 anyway, I'm sure it's MY number. Born in April, one of four siblings, mother of four children, love the symbolism of four elements and four directions... I've always been drawn to the nr. 4.

So not surprisingly, my best spreads were and are 4 card spreads. Compass spread, desire spread, blind spot spread and SWOT spread - they're my favorites, together with the cross part of the Celtic Cross that I call the Celtic Wheel, and that's six cards. That's nearly too much for me.

I think these things are very personal and individual, and over time, you'll find out which number of cards or positions in a spread gives you the best readings. I couldn't have known that when I started out with tarot. Part of the fun of tarot is discovering these individual touches.


I use one-card pulls, two-card pulls, three and four card pulls, seven card spreads, fifteen card spreads, and once a year I do a forty-two card spread.

Three cards are a manageably small number of cards that relatively inexperienced people can turn into a sensible monologue. More cards start getting trickier to make complete sense of. So it's probably more frequently talked-about for that reason.


Also, three is one of the Universe's two favourite numbers (seven is the other one), so if you want everything to work for you, it helps to swim with the tide instead of against it. :)


I am not sure if supposed to respond to you all individually like on the Your Readings section?

No you don't :).
We only ask for individual feedback if you're asking for help with cards in a specific context (full or part readings), in either Your Readings or Using Tarot Cards :).

plant witch

I prefer 3 card pulls when I'm doing a general reading. I've never really thought why though, I guess it just fits for me? I think I like how it has a beginning, middle, and end. "This, this, and that" sort of thing you know. it feels final and 'just enough.'

if the reading doesn't look so good I will sometimes draw an advice card however. so that's kinda like a four card spread.


I pull three cards because that's what I feel comfortable with. This may change as I become more experienced, but for the time being, I like to keep readings simple. Even three cards can prove a challenge sometimes.


I tend to use odd numbers...usually 1, 3, or 5. For a typical reading, it's most often 3--as Sulis mentioned, I find that the center card often reflects the heart of the issue, and then it's just a matter of seeing how the other cards interact with it.

I'll sometimes use the base of the deck card as a theme that ties the whole reading together, or I'll sum up the cards and use the quint to do the same thing. But both of these are optional, and are only to either provide a guiding framework for interpreting if I'm lost or to confirm what I already know. A lot of times, I won't bother because they're not needed.

If after a general reading I think advice is needed, that's another three card spread. I won't just pull one card for advice, as typically there's not just one thing you can or should do. And if there IS only one path, one action to be taken, the cards will reinforce one another and make that action crystal clear.

Everyone is different, though. Do what you're most comfortable with.