My Review Of The Forest Of Souls.


My Review Of The Forest Of Souls. BY RACHEAL POLLACK

when i first saw the book i was like gee this book sucks, never looked at the back of the book even.
when i tried to read it was hard to get in the first chapter,, and i had my own thoughts going on about the tarot ,, and felt i had no energy to go to read.

i went up stairs to sleep and i came back downstairs, and i picked up the book and figured i would try to read it again. i must of been in the right mode ,, FOR I READ IT FROM FRONT TO END.
and let me tell you ,, THE BOOOK RULES

at first she was talking about the origin of the tarot and we dont' know. then she got into quantum physics, by suggesting we made the tarot in the past by our thoughts today,, and the future people thoughts makethe tarot of today.
which kind of you makes you think we won't see the finished tarot in a long time, as it will keep evolving.

the third chapter is where i realy started to understand where she was coming from when she comnpares the tarot to music,
classical, jazz, (no mention of blues)
and said it is the like the music of today,, jazz, world, (the world tarot corresponded with the world music merging)

the two part question,, why, or how ,, does the tarot work,
does the tarot work, yes,, but how , no one can say ,wait a minute,,
why not ask the tarot itsef so she does a three card spread which i can't tell you for you will need to read the book on some aspects.

the next chatper talks about jewish thoughts and tarot,
and talks about how the statement ,, love your neighbor as yourself got distilled form a earlier statment and to love the images of the cards ,, not just the meanings to get the deeper meanings,

the next she talks aobut the tarot before creation,
and says it been proven that ether doesnt' exist but einstein proved it after,
and SHE CALLS THE MAJOR ARCANA THE ETHER SUIT i was like holy cow just what i was thinking,
and futhermore talks of how the torah is the blue print,, but it was made as time went on, therefore ,, the iching, kabblah, and tarot were blue prints who came into writing.
then she puts the tarot where her mouth is by asking if it existed before creation, and she give acouple pages of interprations . which you will have to get the book to read LOL

next two chapters are readings on two topics

what reading did god get to create the universe, (very cool chapter by the way)

what did christ death death mean (a chapter inself,)

she says she is not christian just brave enought to ask some eheh

some kabalaist and dream thoughts on the tarot,, gives some insight into th high priestess, and further explains why the major arcanas it the ether suit,

then chapter ten,, becoming a reader, there is thre levels,
which are good to see yourself as. she explaisn how you have t incorpate the five elements into yourself to read, the spirit of the wands, and the mind of the swords,

chapter 11, 12, 13,
talks about major arcana,
like how the the highpriesstes is called the camel lady ,
death ,
kundalina, and other stuff.

14, is where i get back interested again (like deeply interested though chapters 11,12,13 were nice, from a major a rcana perspective )
a short leap to play the fool.

she uses, the luria tree which is found in traditional jewish kabbalah and talks of how the fool is both at the beginning and the end, (very cool chapter) and therefore every postion in sprit,

and the last chapter called , a final gamble.
which talks about using one card from the majors and let the cards lands in 7 rows of threes, and you get your devil journey, (which i beenhaving in my mind)
the death journey,, and such, and get more personal into the tarot :O)

GOOD BOOK , i havne't 78 degrees yet hoping it comes today but tomorrow but this is a prime book of the tarot for the 21st centurary, :O)


lots of stuff on high priestess goody :)

and christian stuff, need to get this book, maybe Ill get some cash for it, i know ill get it or christmas



HOLMES: Thank you for a fascinating review--the book sounds very intriguing! Could you please provide the author? Thanks in advance!



my bad i figured those in the know would keep up on her books,,

RACHEAL POLLACK, author of 78 degrees of wisdom


HOLMES: Thanks for being so prompt with the information! I have not heard of this book but it definitely seems like one for my Tarot library. As for 78 Degrees of Wisdom--I have not read it yet.


Yes thankyou HOLMES.
I don't have either book, but I have heard good things about the Author and i will be looking in the local books stores and Library for these titles.


Faerie Lin

Oh Wow! Thank you Holmes for typing out your review for this book. This book sounds awesome, definately going on my wishlist for Christmas if I cannot get it sooner!!!



Holmes thanks for your review. I was recently visiting the Llewelly site and saw this book in their new release section and was quite curious about it. Personally I loved 78 Degrees of Wisdom, if I were ever to teach a tarot class that would proably be one the books I would use as a text.

For those interested here is the ISBN and full name of the book: The Forest of Souls: A Walk Through the Tarot by Rachel Pollack - ISBN 1-56718-533-9. It costs $14.95 USD. I hope to get this book today! Sounds right down my alley.


I've been browsing this book and Rachel Pollack's Illustrated Guide as well. I like them very much to dip into for ideas and thoughts. I especially like that she covers her Shining Tribe information in bits and pieces, because I do not want that deck.
My small opinion is the Illustrated Guide and Forest of Souls gives people a great taste of her work.
I have Vertigo and Haindl and 78 Degrees and of these, I prefer the mix of the Vertigo fantasy deck and her words.
Thanks for the great review, Holmes--especially since you went back to the book after an initial strong reaction.


oh my, holmes, what can i say?
you were THIS close to making me buy this one this morning. but in the last minute i closed down the window instead of clicking "continue"
i will get it though - but not just now.

but after this review i had a heck of a time stopping myself from buying it knowing fully well i can't really afford it.

on-line shopping will be the end of me...