My Review Of The Forest Of Souls.


jema said:
on-line shopping will be the end of me...

Trust me ... you are not alone ...


I'm about halfway through this book, and it's unlike any other tarot book I've read. She basically asks you, as the reader, to let loose any preconceptions you have about Tarot, and to take a journey with her through its potentiality.

It is definitely the next step to take when you've become familiar with tarot and its usual meanings, and you feel comfortable working with them. It really does involve thinking about Tarot on another level than you have in the past.

I think this is one that I'll have to re-read from time to keep me on my Tarot-toes!




I'm also working my way through, which is taking a while because she makes so many intriguing statements, and I have to pause and think about every one of them. The kinds of readings she does in this book are fascinating.

-- Kyrielle


OK enough! please stop! *LOL* ... guess I better get to the bookstore ...


allright, the review and all other comments did it.
gonna order it.....



Alright I broke down and bought it today. I'm already into chapter 3!! LOL
It's absolutely wonderful. It really does take you into a completely different mindset with the cards!!
There's been quite a few times already that I've stopped reading and gone "WOW"!! The first time was when she talks about us in our time frame now influencing the beginning times of tarot in the past and how the future is probably influencing the way we use tarot now. ??? Kind of boggles the mind, but is very cool!!!


Oh, and I really like how she explains how to ask the cards what questions to ask ??? :D


I have a feeling this is going to be the only tarot book I'll read from cover to cover. (I tend to skim :D ) And probably more than once!!! I definitely feel I'll pick up more reading it a second and maybe third time!


YAY! got it yesterday can't wait to read it!!! :)


oh Holmes!
i blame it all on you, i really do.
i just ordered the book.
i have had a rotten day, sick and depressed and what can cheer me up more then some on-line shopping?
(i also ordered the Bhagavad gita and dantes divine comedy)

now i am really excited!!! i want them to come today!!