How often do you ask a YES/NO question ?


AJ said:
I have a cousin of the magic 8 ball in my shopping cart at Amazon for yes no questions. One of these days when I'm feeling flush I'm going to actually buy it.
My 2 cents, using tarot for yea/nea questions is like using your car to get from the living room to the kitchen. You could, but why would you?

Are you telling me to gaze into a crystal ball for an answer ? like clairvoyance ?

I am very good at visualizing in my third-eye, but not for psychic prediction or reading for myself. I can see why, all psychics say you actually cannot read for yourself. I have tried clairvoyant prediction for whatever-not myself- before, but I got hit and miss.


Yeah, not often, and not usually for 'important' things.


sunstallion said:
Are you telling me to gaze into a crystal ball for an answer ? like clairvoyance ?
Not a crystal ball, a Magic 8 ball.

Here for example.

I have one but the little window is so dark now I can hardly use it. Great for 'I cannot make up my mind' questions. Well, more varied than flipping a coin anyway. hehe "Answer cloudy. Try again"


Actually, one of the question I asked was whether a woman could visit the US or not. I got that question wrong. When I did the reading, it was two aces, then something else, so that was a probable "yes". However, I just learned that she had an interview with the US Embassy and failed the interview. So, no, this time she cannot visit her family in the US.

Demon Goddess

sunstallion, the difficulty with yes/no questions is that Tarot doesn't limit the yes or the no to right now.

You got a yes yes, in a way, but depending on the aces, they might have been saying yes, but not yet.

Fwiw, I definitely use yes/no questions, but only when I know the answers to the questions already and I am trying to learn more about my deck. Such games are very useful to learning how a deck will use certain cards to give you specific answers.

Otherwise, I'm with everyone else... using a simple yes/no is too limiting... why bother.

As for psychics saying you can't read for yourself, I have one word: bullocks!

I wish people would stop saying that. It's not true. I believe that sometimes reading for oneself you are too close to want to see the imagery and thus your reading is weakened, but you certainly can read for yourself and this, efficiently too. I have been reading for myself for well over 20 years, my Grandmother, Madame Laurette (my teacher) read for herself regularly and my best friends all read for themselves regularly. And anyone who turns a day's influence card is reading for themselves. Don't let old wives keep you from really getting into your relationship with your cards.



sunstallion said:

I would like to know how often do you ask a YES/NO question and use a YES/NO spread, and when do you do it ?

Because it seems to me that asking a yes/no question and using a yes/no spread is limited, but sometimes you have to have a yes/no answer like you want to know if it's best for you to make certain decisions or not.

Never. I have found, through a lot of trial and error, that yes/no questions do not work for me. The answers are no more accurate than if I had guessed. Questions that need yes/no asnwers can be asked in other ways that still tell you what you need to know.

A question like "Will George ask me out?" can be changed to "What do I need to know about if George will ask me out?" the answer will be in paragraph format, not yes/no format, but the answer should tell you everything you need to know on the topic.

Or questions like "Would I be happy if I move across the country?" can be split in two like:

"How would I feel if I did not move across the country?"
"How would I feel if I do move across the country?"

Then you just chose the one with the most positive and happy answer. ...

Yes/no answers really do not work for me, and so I never use them, but there are ways around them.



sunstallion said:
Like if I want to know if some one still keeps my contact info or not, that's a yes/no question.

I want to know if a visitor from a third-world country can visit the US or not, that's a yes/no question.

A woman interviews several candidates to babysit her child, I want to know if each candidate is a good fit or not, that's a yes/no question.

I have a few interviews with different companies lately, and I want to know if each one offers me a job or not, that's a yes/no question.

I want to know if a woman I like is thinking or missing me, that's a yes/no question.

I want to know if someone is going to get fired at their job or not, that's a yes/no question.

I want to know if I should use someone as a job reference, that's a yes/no question.

My friend wants to know if his brother (who he has not talked to for several years) is still married to his brother's wife, that's a yes/no question.

I want to know if an old acquaintance is going to contact me or not, that is a yes/no question.

The scenarios I mentioned above is different person, different situation. None of them is related to one another.
I would just prefix any of those questions with "What do I need to know about (then the part starting with "if:

EG What do I need to know about if I should use "S" as a job reference?...



I think the hardest part in using tarot is forming a question, and the more specific the question, the better it is in getting the answer. Vague questions are not as precise and accurate as the specific one.

Specific question like "Will President Bush get impeached ?" is more a yes/no question. That gives you a more accurate and precise answer than question like "What does God has in store for me right now ?". That gives you a vague, general answer.

Yes/no question is very right to the point. It is one way or another, either black, or white. Even a yes, but....or a no, but....still gives you a yes or no, one way or another.

So, I am not quite understanding how come tarot is limited to yes/no question, when the more specific the question, the more efficient the reading is.


All I can say is my experience, someone else's may be different. I tried yes/no questions for months and I never got an accurate answer. Answers were either garbage or contradicting themselves. I used the method suggested in Mary Greer's book. Finally, in exasepation, I pulled out the cards and asked then "Is it possible to get accurate answers to yes/no questions?" And, would you beleive, the answer was NO??? I dropped them then and there and never went back. In my experience, they just don't work.


Demon Goddess

sunstallion said:
So, I am not quite understanding how come tarot is limited to yes/no question, when the more specific the question, the more efficient the reading is.

If you limit your reading, you limit your reading. Tarot is only ever limited by the reader, imho.

with love