The Book of the Law Study Group 2.16


The Empress and the Hierophant: III + V = VIII = 8

8 is Cheth - 418, ABRAHADABRA. But it also the word of eleven letters.
Thus via the Tarot VIII is XI.

In another sense this verse could point to a certain spelling of Hadit's name. Before Crowley made the Star swap he would have naturally spelt HAD thus:

H - Heh - Emperor (King) - 5

A - Aleph - Fool - 1

D - Daleth - Empress - 4 (Total 10)

In the previous verse Hadit declared that he wasn't the Empress and the King. He was the Empress and the Hierophant and thus 11.

V - Vav - Hierophant - 6

A - Aleph - Fool - 1

D - Daleth - Empress - 4 (Total 11)

VAD is an anagram of AVD (AUD), the magick light, which Crowley relates to Kundalini: the Secret Serpent.

Also looking at the Tree of Life we see that the sephira Chokmah, the root male source, is connected by the paths of Vav, Aleph, and Deleth. That leaves one path left. The Path between Father-Chokmah and the Child-Tiphareth.
From his Father, Chokmah, he is informed through the Path of He, the Great Mother, the Star, Our Lady Nuit, so that the creative impulse is communicated to him by all possibilities soever.

Book of Thoth, p.203


Rosy <------> Croix

216 = 6 x 6 x 6

...3, 5, 8...
Fibonacci seq. = Φ = Golden ratio

Venus 3 + 5 Taurus (Earth) = 8 Leo: Sun (Gold) realm
There are 5 conjunctions (each 216º apart) between Venus & Earth every 8 years.

middle C: c′ = (10x Φ )² Hz

3 + 5 = 8 <------> 11

8 <------> 11 = Libra: Sun (Gold) fall / Saturn (Lead) exalt
11 <------> 8 = Leo: Sun (Gold) realm / Saturn (Lead) exile

11:8 = undecimal TriTone = 11th Harmonic
Though there are other interval ratios closer to an equal-tempered TriTone (√2:1),
the undecimal is derived from the 11th in the harmonic series.
This and other TriTones are of an interval class known for their dissonance as diabolus in musica, or ‘the Devil in Music’ =666


Hieros Gamos

The Trinity of Tones described by the diabolus in musica interval, depending upon the accuracy of its’ ratio approximating the square root of two, cover the span of an octave: C<----√2---->C

The “Bride” (11:8 = 11th Harmonic) could therefore be the Pell numbers’ Silver to Fibonacci’s Gold - a marriage of ‘metallic means’ wedding Sun & Moon by virtue of their 'joining' TriTone’s eerie dissonance with the Octaves’ pure consonant harmonies:

Φ² = Φ + 1

Cˌˌˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:32 Hz
Cˌˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:16 Hz
Cˌ = [(10x Φ )²]:8 Hz
C = [(10x Φ )²]:4 Hz
c = [(10x Φ )²]:2 Hz
c′ = (10x Φ )² Hz = 261.803...
c′′= 2[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′= 4[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′= 8[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′′= 16[(10x Φ )²] Hz
c′′′′′′= 32[(10x Φ )²] Hz

√2 + 1 = silver ratio