A vision of the all seeing eye on my Palm?


Your name is quite long. Can I just call you Stardust?

yes of course, Mags is fine too :)

Thank you for such a long in depth reading, i really wasn't expecting such a huge reading, you must have spent so much time on this and typing it up, i recognize this and appreciate it [emoji813]

As this thread started with a vision of an eye I thought there could be some very interesting things in the hands themselves. Looking at them I am actually quite excited. There is some very fun, interesting stuff in here.

I won’t spend much time comparing the inherited hand with the daily life hand. There is a little to talk about that is boring and important but most of the excitement in this set of hands lies in your right hand, the hand you are currently making for yourself.

Okay so does this right hand represent my destiny? I am a little unsure of what 'making for myself' means :) All sounds very mysterious and exciting :)

I won’t go line by line…I try to find the magic in a hand by looking for what is powerful and unusual. Some hands are pretty quiet. They have gentle waves of life they bob along too. Very peaceful, very happy. Other hands can be like a storm in the North Atlantic, destructive beauty and power that would make the Goddess Kali quite pleased.

This hand is neither. It actually took a bit to identify the feel of this hand. The problem was most hands have a feel of water somewhere in them. Here it is like life explodes up through the lines in the hand but between the lines there appears to be nothing.

Oh - okay, so i don't have the usual hand type and i have no water in it, what implications does this mean for me to have nothing in between the lines?


This hand isn’t a fire hand or earth hand. It isn’t water or air. It is its own hand. It is a Desert Flower hand. There is, of course, just one way to journey across a desert that feels right to this hand. It is on a horse with no name.

This all sounds very poetic, but i don't understand i mean if my hand doesn't have a elemental designation then what does Desert Flower represent :) Could the desert represent my past life? I think it was somewhere in ancient Persia or Sumer? Is this where you are getting the horse from? This is so very interesting :)

With this thought in mind I found a youtube video of the song and put it on in another window. If you want to know how I prepared myself for this reading play the song and just look at the right hand. Don’t think about it logically. Just listen to the song, look at the hand and see what emotions or thoughts come to you.


Okay thank you i will :)

I will get to some of the interesting things on the hand itself but one the things that came to me listening and gazing at your hand is a ukulele might be a good step toward opening a part of you that is budding. Whether you look into a ukulele or not, Stardust, just listen to the song while gazing at your right hand and see what comes to you.

Okay i will look into this. I must say i am not very musical, i don't play, however i will look into this as a means of connecting with spirit or ritual. Thank you

Before the exciting stuff I did mention earlier some boring but important detail. If you look at both your hands you will notice both the middle finger and ring fingers on both hands tight together. Fingers are actual expressions of inner energies out into the world. Here the inherited hand has clearly carried on into the daily hand. With the Saturn finger (middle) pulling the Apollo finger (ring) it becomes a case of responsibility taking precedent over personal growth. As a matter of fact, it is responsibility taking precedent over just about everything.

Yes this is true. I don't have much time if any for personal growth. I am a mum of 2 young children, i am at home with them, i am trying to go to college also. I have no time for spiritual growth at all and i do feel like a caged butterfly. Even though i am a dedicated maternal mother, i have no time for me.

It is a programming you got from your mother figure and it is pretty strong in you. While nothing is good or bad by itself extremes must be dealt with a bit more carefully. They can be wonderful assets but also difficult challenges.

The difficult challenges with being too responsible are named guilt and worry. As a matter of fact this is your journey. The gate you must pass through is called responsibility. The latches to get the gate working right are called guilt and worry. When you have these things in balance you will find it easier to grown into some of the things we will discuss.
You are so right i can not tell you. Guilt and worry and responsibility defined me from early childhood and now follow me through life.

Now your mother figure and you had different reasons for being this responsible. She was driven by a strong Jupiter finger (index)…religion in this case. Her Mercury finger (pinky), being communication, never developed.

Again understood, yes my mum is not good with communicating emotional content.

You, on the other hand, have a good amount of responsibility for other reasons. While there is no avoiding the religious input you received as a child you have learned on your own, through listening (Mercury, communicator), what responsibility means and how important it is. You learned through the life lessons of skinned knees and hearts why responsibility matters.

I wasn't raised religious so i'm not sure about this, yet my mother was raised roman catholic. Yes i have learned through hardships unfortunately.

I must mention the wonderful part of being so responsible. The world needs you. More specifically, people like me need you. Somebody has to take care of the important, day-to-day things. If we had a kid you would know if the little critter was fed and when. I wouldn’t be able to remember even where I left the tyke.

Of course, the world needs brains like mine too (I hope). That is another discussion.

Yes that is me, mother earth or earth mother, as my mother calls me :)

Let’s look at that wonderful right hand, the one where you had the vision. There is a lot of energy bubbling up through the cracks in that hand. The desert flowers are blooming as fast as they can get through the gate of responsibility.

So i have to release the guilt and worry in order to fully open? The desert flower analogy is beautiful, again i wonder if this is related to a past life in the eastern world deserts??

Your inherited hand is mostly normal. You got your basic life, head and heart line. Destiny line on that hand is a bit odd but it doesn’t really matter as the lines on the hand/life you made for yourself overshadow most inherited characteristics in this case.

Does this mean that i am odd yet i have powered through and made something of myself? I have had to break free of restraints and shackles, and tried to live a normal life.

On your right hand you do have the basic lines…sort of…except the heart line and head line hook up in unusual ways, as do pretty much all the lines. The first couple, heart and head, look confusing but if we sort it out for the angel’s landing strip things straighten out a little.

What is the angel’s landing strip? It is the area between your heart line and your head line. It is where then angels, guided by your heart, land to give gifts to the head line. A normal landing strip is balanced and level. When the angel’s land on your hand it is sometimes a ski ride down a steep mountain for them. You wouldn’t think an angel could get scared on a landing but…

Okay so is this suggesting it is hard for me to receive messages? I wonder why my hand is so unusual? What does this imply on a spiritual level?

Get a clear picture of your angel’s landing strip and this will sort out. First realize your heart line, the line nearest the fingers that runs horizontally across, is normal. Just picture where it starts under the pinky and runs across the hand. Where it appears to fork beneath the middle finger just follow it up and you will see it end between the first two fingers.

The line that branched down connects to the head line. The area between the heart and head lines is the angels’ landing strip. You will note that yours has that connecting line blocking it and that line separates the landing strip into narrow and wide. That line that drops from the heart line and hits the head line strikes the head line right where it makes a sharp branch.

This is why the angels are having a hard time giving you their messages. Your head line is what I call a light-switch head line. It is either in logical mode or intuitive mode and what mode it is in appears to be random.

Okay i understand and this is true of me. I am intuitive, and i believe in my intuition, i believe in my spiritual path. Yet i doubt it all and i feel like i don't believe any of it. I am a part time believer and part time doubter.

Also i don't get much time to delve into my intuitive side, my life is chaotic with mundane and i am absolutely shattered with tiredness.

It can’t be. Angels can’t land when your brain is in logical mode. There are many, many messages your angels want to tell you, indicated by the wide landing strip at one end. You just have to be in quiet brain mode to listen.

Is this the area where you had your vision of the eye?

The eye was right in the middle of my palm, then my palm was red and blue with smudging.

You do have many other interesting things going on. Your head line jumps a bit at the Destiny/Mercury line and the base of your thumb shows a Rubik’s cube mind but I want to touch on one other thing I think is very important right now. Look at the lower center of your palm, right above the wrist. That is the Cradle of Neptune. There are many formations here but the one that gets my attention is the big X. It might look like an hourglass on its side but take my word for it, in this context it is an X.

So you have Neptune…deep secrets and illusions marked by the sign of the crossroads…make a decision.

I am not sure which decision i have to make. I guess i need to listen to the angels, i must have some ritual time. Maybe is it to fully dedicate and believe in my abilities. Or to continue being a doubter. I need to be in ritual to figure this out.

A person can go for hours on a hand but Stardust, here is what I see for you in relation to your vision. Your angels are trying to tell you something. One doesn’t talk to angels, one listens. You can’t listen when your brain is in logical, active mode.

To turn that mode off you need to make a decision to stop believing an illusion has power over you.

Again i don't know what the illusion is. But this illusion has power over me? Oh........ I think i know what the illusion is. It just came to me. I am not fully open to my intuition because i am scared of my clairvoyance and my abilities to see other realms. I am scared to open it, allow it to flow, i am scared i might loose my mind if i do. Because when I do it is incredable, the thinks I see hear and perceive. I don't want it to be out of control, and this is really why i am not receiving messages, because i have a huge block. So does this mean i need to stop believing in this illusion of fear and release my full potential?

The vision of the eye at this time indicates the time is right. It certainly doesn’t suggest it will be the only chance, just that right now the cycles of your life are right for both growth and a message.

The growth comes from letting go of an illusion. It is a huge illusion and goes back to responsibility, guilt and worry. It is the illusion that you have to do it all yourself.

The message comes from the angels once you can hear them.

Okay so in order to grow i need to let go of illusions. I am unsure if these are in the mundane world or the spiritual world? In the mundane world i do have to do everything, yet my husband shares when he can. But being a young mum, i am responsible and i do have to do things myself.

Thank you so much Minotaur, you have given me so much food for thought to ponder on all of this. Such i very interesting reading, although admittedly i am a little confused as to how to interpret it. But i can process and digest it and generally i feel like i am being guided to find some quiet time to allow messages to flow to me :)

Thank you for such a long beautiful reading i am so grateful for your time.

Big hugs and warm blessings x

Mags x


minotaur, what a lovely thing to do. I learnt more from reading through your analysis of Mags' hand than from loads of reading on palmistry that I've done over the years. And what a picturesque way you have of putting things.

Do you ever open a palmistry thread here on the forum? I'd love you to do that... I'm going to have to search on that, right now. :)

I am not fully open to my intuition because i am scared of my clairvoyance and my abilities to see other realms. I am scared to open it, allow it to flow, i am scared i might loose my mind if i do. I don't want it to be out of control, and this is lily why i am not receiving messages, because i have a huge block. So does this mean i need to stop believing in this illusion of fear and release my full potential?

For what it's worth, I was already thinking this... ;) :heart:


You know, I found my books finally on this subject, and I was beginning to try and read it, but I am having a very difficult time at it, going from pictures to book. I will just give a short synopsis of what I feel the palms are saying--

Because your palms are square shaped with short fingers, I'd say you are very much an earthy person. Well grounded and practical, you tend to be a responsible person, who very possibly takes on more responsibility then you need to.

You are a very capable person, and reliable too, so people may have the tendency to depend upon you too much. You like to help others, so you may tend to over extend yourself, rather then be point blank with your loved ones and tell them 'no'.

You are a creative person and probably enjoy working with your hands a lot--perhaps with crafts but also more likely--plants and animals. You are an animal lover as well, and have a good connection with them, even if you do not have a pet at this time.

You may not be able to always communicate your needs well to others however, and this can become a problem at times. I sense you feel the need to keep your emotions in check or hidden from others, for whatever reason.

I feel overall, your childhood was a happy one, you felt secure and taken care of, but because there is an intrusion with a line going into your heart line--(the first line under your pinky that goes straight across the palm)-you had a huge transition when still young, (I'm intuitively thinking about age 10-12yoa), where you had difficult time accepting that intrusion. Perhaps beginning at that age, you had to begin taking on more responsibilities then you were truly ready for, thus making you grow up a bit faster? Yet, you did accept it and w/o complaining, I think--as you didn't feel you could communicate the upset of it all for whatever reason.

You may tend to put your loved ones on a pedestal and try to do all you can for them to be happy. I wonder if this is because of the experience you had that I mentioned above? So you may over-compensate now for your loved ones?

The head line is the line that starts by the fleshy part of the palm near your thumb and extends to the other side--under the heart line. In your left hand, this line is closer to the heart line then it is on your right hand, thus signalling that you tend to brave through tough things, rather then show you struggling with it. You have learned to put on a brave face and tackle whatever it is rather then give up easily or show your emotions about it.

You are overall, a confident person and family oriented.

This head line also curves a bit on your right hand, indicating you have become more imaginative in your later life then you were in your younger life.

The fate line is the one that goes straight up from the wrist, to the middle or top of your palm. On your right hand, this line is closer to the mound of venus then the mound of mars. I think your family influences you a great deal, however, its not too far into the mound of venus, so perhaps you are finding some balance between you and them--thus, not allowing them to influence you too much. And, especially since on the left hand, this line is more equally placed between the 2 mounds.

The life line is the other line that starts by your thumb. It is the line closest to your thumb and arches out and down towards the wrist. It is half way between the thumb and the index finger where it starts, which indicates that you are happy with where your life path is taking you. You are not overly ambitious nor are you concerned with getting ahead. You tend to be happy with the path your life has taken and seeing the joys and benefits of each step along the way. This is also where your practicality comes into play. :)

The "bracelet of Neptune" are the lines just at the wrist, under the palm of your hand. There are 2 very deep and dominant lines, easy to see. The top line, being quite straight and steady and strong, tells us you have had a fairly healthy life overall. You are in good health and have good stamina.

I actually found out now that the 'y' in the heart line, due to where it becomes a 'y' indicates a good and happy relationship. You have a warm nature about you, that puts people at ease around you and you have also found a strong and happy love life.

I'm going to leave it here, because I've spent hours trying to go through the book and also look at your palms! :laugh: I hope I at least got some things correct, or it will prove that I need A LOT more reading/practicing! :D Perhaps Minotaur will also have seen my attempt and may be able to advise me on what I did wrong or where I need a lot of help with! At any rate, this was fun and I'm glad that minotaur suggested this. I hope a few others will give it a try. thanks Mags! :D


feedback CN :)

You know, I found my books finally on this subject, and I was beginning to try and read it, but I am having a very difficult time at it, going from pictures to book. I will just give a short synopsis of what I feel the palms are saying--
okey dokey :heart: I have read through and you have got mostly everything spot on! :)

Because your palms are square shaped with short fingers, I'd say you are very much an earthy person. Well grounded and practical, you tend to be a responsible person, who very possibly takes on more responsibility then you need to.

Yes i am earthy, and love nature and the earth and i am very much pagan in my ways. I am practical too, yet not always organised, i have phases of being grounded and phases of my head spinning out, i should ground more than i do :)

You are a very capable person, and reliable too, so people may have the tendency to depend upon you too much. You like to help others, so you may tend to over extend yourself, rather then be point blank with your loved ones and tell them 'no'.

Yes i am capable, although i am not very outgoing, i push myself due to anxiety issues, but my nature is outgoing :) Yes people do depend on me too much, i tend to get used, for what people need, then dropped like a hot potato. I have been known to go above and beyond to accommodate peoples needs, disregarding my own which leaved me stressed and tired.

You are a creative person and probably enjoy working with your hands a lot--perhaps with crafts but also more likely--plants and animals. You are an animal lover as well, and have a good connection with them, even if you do not have a pet at this time.
Yes i love being creative, i enjoy painting and growing things from seed :) I have 2 dogs and 4 rabbits, i am always surrounded by animals, wild and pets. I have a family of wild crows that i feed in winter.

You may not be able to always communicate your needs well to others however, and this can become a problem at times. I sense you feel the need to keep your emotions in check or hidden from others, for whatever reason.

I can communicate my emotions very well, yet it is not always heard so sometimes i like to keep them to myself because i know i will get nowhere with communicating them. But i am very self aware and very emotionally intelligent with myself and others.

I feel overall, your childhood was a happy one, you felt secure and taken care of, but because there is an intrusion with a line going into your heart line--(the first line under your pinky that goes straight across the palm)-you had a huge transition when still young, (I'm intuitively thinking about age 10-12yoa), where you had difficult time accepting that intrusion. Perhaps beginning at that age, you had to begin taking on more responsibilities then you were truly ready for, thus making you grow up a bit faster? Yet, you did accept it and w/o complaining, I think--as you didn't feel you could communicate the upset of it all for whatever reason.

My childhood was okay, i didn't feel secure though, i felt invisible. Then at 10ish my dad left and all hell broke loose, the times that followed were very dark and grim. This is the transition you mentioned and yet it was very hard, my mum didn't cope well and i had to look after her. I spent a lot of my childhood there after worrying about her and not sleeping. I didn't complain, i didn't know any better, it was a matter of getting through it. I became very withdrawn. I could not talk to anyone about any of it. Especially not my mum.

You may tend to put your loved ones on a pedestal and try to do all you can for them to be happy. I wonder if this is because of the experience you had that I mentioned above? So you may over-compensate now for your loved ones?

Yes i do this. I try to compensate for my childhood. Being overly protective of my children, trying to be the best mum ever, which is unrealistic, then i feel bad and guilty that i am the worst mum ever because i can't live up to my own expectations.

The head line is the line that starts by the fleshy part of the palm near your thumb and extends to the other side--under the heart line. In your left hand, this line is closer to the heart line then it is on your right hand, thus signalling that you tend to brave through tough things, rather then show you struggling with it. You have learned to put on a brave face and tackle whatever it is rather then give up easily or show your emotions about it.

This is an aspect of myself that is true, yet it all gets too much and i eventually go into melt down, become tired and irritated. I have had to brave through a lot, coping with a lot, but at times it gets too much. I do show my emotions though, and i complain now, it seems a lot...

You are overall, a confident person and family oriented.

I am confident, in my head, yet in my heart i am shy and anxious. Mostly i am in a state of in-congruence. But if my life had been better i know i would be naturally confident.

This head line also curves a bit on your right hand, indicating you have become more imaginative in your later life then you were in your younger life.

I have always had a very active imagination, a side effect of being and feeling alone :) Yet i have become more spiritual in my later life :)

The fate line is the one that goes straight up from the wrist, to the middle or top of your palm. On your right hand, this line is closer to the mound of venus then the mound of mars. I think your family influences you a great deal, however, its not too far into the mound of venus, so perhaps you are finding some balance between you and them--thus, not allowing them to influence you too much. And, especially since on the left hand, this line is more equally placed between the 2 mounds.

I am uninfluenced by my family (parents and siblings) really i am very independent of them, i have learned to be by myself. However i am influenced by my own family (spouse and children, if they are happy i am happy, if they are in conflict or chaos i feel depressed and feel responsible. Because i am idealistic, i struggle with conflict. My husband influences my mood. I spend a lot of time pissed off at him. Mainly due to very real and big let downs.

The life line is the other line that starts by your thumb. It is the line closest to your thumb and arches out and down towards the wrist. It is half way between the thumb and the index finger where it starts, which indicates that you are happy with where your life path is taking you. You are not overly ambitious nor are you concerned with getting ahead. You tend to be happy with the path your life has taken and seeing the joys and benefits of each step along the way. This is also where your practicality comes into play. :)

I am very happy being a mum, even though things can get stressful at times. All i wanted was to be a mum, so i am delighted i have achieved this. I am also at college studying psychotherapy and counselling, so i will have a little job one day, i wont set the heather on fire, but i want to just get by and be comfortable in life.

The "bracelet of Neptune" are the lines just at the wrist, under the palm of your hand. There are 2 very deep and dominant lines, easy to see. The top line, being quite straight and steady and strong, tells us you have had a fairly healthy life overall. You are in good health and have good stamina.
I guess i am healthy, i drink in moderation, i am an ex-part-time smoker, i still have the odd one at times but i am not addicted. I am slim so i am not over weight. I could do with doing a bit of exercise and toning up, but generally i am in a good body.

I actually found out now that the 'y' in the heart line, due to where it becomes a 'y' indicates a good and happy relationship. You have a warm nature about you, that puts people at ease around you and you have also found a strong and happy love life.

Well i have been with my husband for 14 years, it hasn't been easy at all. But generally he is good to me now. I struggle with past issues at times. But generally i guess it is good, well it's not bad. I am a warm person. People gravitate to me. That is why i am training to be a counselor :)

I'm going to leave it here, because I've spent hours trying to go through the book and also look at your palms! :laugh: I hope I at least got some things correct, or it will prove that I need A LOT more reading/practicing! :D Perhaps Minotaur will also have seen my attempt and may be able to advise me on what I did wrong or where I need a lot of help with! At any rate, this was fun and I'm glad that minotaur suggested this. I hope a few others will give it a try. thanks Mags! :D

Oh wow, thank you so so much CN. What a long reading and i can tell you spent a lot of time and effort on it for me :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs :) Yes you got so much very right, i am very impressed! :) As you can see from my feedback, you were accurate on so much about me and my life. Blessings CN Mags xxx


okey dokey :heart: I have read through and you have got mostly everything spot on! :)

Hurray! I am a bit surprised myself at how much I did get right. I am happy overall for my 'first' time really putting effort into a palm reading. This was fun. It was a lot of work, but it was fun too--especially now that I see how much I was able to get right! :)

Oh wow, thank you so so much CN. What a long reading and i can tell you spent a lot of time and effort on it for me :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs :) Yes you got s much very right, i am very impressed! :) As you can see from my feedback, you were accurate on so much about me and my life. Blessings CN Mags xxx

Thank you! I appreciate you allowing me to try reading your palm. I'm going to have to find some people to practice this on a bit more! :laugh:


what about the colors red and blue? do those shades of the colors remind you of anything? what do pick up about them with your other senses? do they have a taste or flavor? what do they sound like? what do they feel like as they touch your palm? is there a difference between the two colors? do they have a smell? what do they look like as they fall onto your palm?


The colours have illuded me somewhat. I will need to look into this, a previous poster mentioned they are the colours of the goddess Brigit.

I had a dream the other night that my hand was being burned and branded with a symbol and it was being burned into my skin I could see the flesh swelling up and going red and black. Then my hand burst into flames but it was not sore. Confused again :)


wow Mags, another dream about your palm? This last dream sounds awful though. Glad it wasn't sore to you!

I wonder if it indicates that you will always be protected, and you are holding all this in the palm of your hands? Was the icon being burnt in your hand the all seeing eye or a different symbol?


Not exactly an idea :D but maybe will spark ideas in someone else:

one of the "important" dreams from my childhood/teens was this - I found myself standing at the foot of my bed, facing the head of the bed, in the dark (the time of night, and the room, was all accurate as compared with real life, which is quite unusual). Then I raised my arm, which was the left one if I remember correctly; from the centre of the palm (where the chakra is, but I hadn't heard of them then) a blue flame issued. Very like a gas flame in that "electric blue" (which I now know is associated with spirit, near-death experiences, etc etc). The flame shot straight forward a few inches.

This frightened me and I screamed. The fear was around my identity, having some supernatural power, being not quite human, that kind of stuff. Also a practical worry that I could set my bedroom on fire, though the flame reached nowhere near anything since I was standing and it wasn't sputtering out sparks or anything. It was neat, well-formed - very beautiful. I was in my mid-teens when I dreamt this... The screaming within the dream woke me. What really frightened me is that I woke standing at the foot of my bed... at least, in the morning I had no memory of getting back into bed so maybe I'd also dreamt waking there, if you see what I mean.

As I say, not helpful in itself, but connected in that it's about the palm, and fire.

I don't remember feeling pain or heat either. What really shook me at the time, the next day, was how physically real all the rest of me had felt: I was really IN my body while this flame happened. Apart from the flame the whole thing could have been a memory, not a dream at all.


wow MandMaud! I do hope someone here in A.T. can help with these dreams. Very interesting-both of them.