Faery Prosperity Reading for Helvetica


Hi Helvetica - I've modified one of my favourite spreads for this - the do/don't do spread - and added a couple of cards. The spread goes:


1. The issue.
2. Don't do...
3. Do...
4. A skill that you need to develop.
5. A skill you already have that will be needed.

The cards were:
1. The issue - 13. Solus
2. Don't do - 3. The Guardian at the Gate
3. Do - 52. The Rarr
4. Skill to develop - 57. Luathas the Wild
5. Skill that you have - 32. Iris of the Rainbows

1. The issue - 13. Solus
Something new is coming into consciousness. You are beginning to trust your own inner wisdom. You have reached a deeper understanding and a true honouring of your connection with the otherworld. You are bridging the gap between potential and reality, becoming the source of your own light - and your own prosperity. You draw prosperity to you by staying centered and confident in the "rightness" of your choice. A fire is burning in your heart and you radiate a fiery strength. An alchemical transformation is taking place within you, fuelling the fire. All you have to do is let it burn.

2. Don't do - 3. The Guardian at the Gate
You are on the brink of a new life and it may be tempting for you to hang around on the threshold for a while, check things out, make sure it's safe...don't. This is not the time to delay. Cross that threshold, bridge the gap to your new reality with the radiant confidence of Solus and keep moving forward. Don't let the Guardian delay you.

3. Do - 52. The Rarr
Yes!! Go for it!! Whatever it is...ride the high of this fiery energy that is flood ing through you - and enjoy the ride. This is not a time to hold back and be cautious, although it may seem to defy common sense. It's time for you to embrace the wildest impulse of your heart and let it take you where it will...And whatever you do, do for the sheer thrill of it - not because it seems correct or sensible.

4. Skill to develop - 57. Luathas the Wild
More rare-ing to go (or should that be Rarr-ing to go ;)). You must learn to let the fire drive you and throw caution - and fear - to the wind. Yes, it may feel like you're taking a big risk, but if you trust the radiant wisdom of Solus you will not come unstuck. Try to think in new ways about your situation. Abandon old habits of being or thinking - get wild and ridiculous with your ideas, and if they feel right - if you feel that fiery surge - then go for it. Now.

5. Skill that you have - 32. Iris of the Rainbows
You are used to being patient and cultivating hope - nurturing the rainbow in yourself and in others. You have kept your ideals alive and refused to succumb to the storms of life. Your positive attitude will serve you well. You are used to looking to the future with hope and a sense of possibility - holding the arc of the rainbow - but now the future is the present and it's time to make a grab for that pot of gold...be like Luathas, and help yourself!

General comments:
So much fire here. The faeries were positively incandescent with excitement. Solus is the key - he will help you to stay grounded and mediate this influx of fire. This does not seem to be a time to be cautious and practical and make lists and do things "just to be on the safe side." The overall message seems to be to act now - even if what you have in mind seems illogical, even crazy, if it feels right, if it gets you excited, then follow it - the money will come. Trust that inner fire and follow your passion.


Stop faffing about Soph!

Hi Leo! thanks for this spread - exhausted me just to read it, though ;) But it's just what I need! In detail:

Leo62 said:
1. The issue - 13. Solus
Something new is coming into consciousness. You are beginning to trust your own inner wisdom. [...] You draw prosperity to you by staying centered and confident in the "rightness" of your choice. A fire is burning in your heart and you radiate a fiery strength. An alchemical transformation is taking place within you, fuelling the fire. All you have to do is let it burn.
Well, you weren't to know, but Solus is the fae I chose as my "most appealing" power card - which is supposed to show something I am trying to create in my life. The other card - the least appealing - something I have difficulty with, was (still is) Indi, the one who hesitates at the threshold, who cannot choose...So you see how your reading answers that central dilemma, and the appearance of Solus here as the issue makes perfect sense. The issue, in my life, is that after 6 years working as a humanitarian (nearly all in the field) and writing on the side, I have just (10 days ago) left my last job and decided to make writing central, no longer peripheral. This is Solus. But it does pose some difficult economic questions, as you must know yourself.

Leo62 said:
2. Don't do - 3. The Guardian at the Gate
You are on the brink of a new life and it may be tempting for you to hang around on the threshold for a while, check things out, make sure it's safe...don't. This is not the time to delay. Cross that threshold, bridge the gap to your new reality with the radiant confidence of Solus and keep moving forward. Don't let the Guardian delay you.
You get it. I am exactly ON the threshold. I have one foot over - I have just signed a contract to write a companion book for a beautiful and light-hearted deck that is being made - but the other foot, the experimental creative writer, the one who writes stories and scripts and wants to expand these from short to long works, has not crossed and seems rooted. I feel like a rider on a horse that keeps reaching that fence and not taking it...I know I need to throw my heart over it and the rest will follow, but it pushes all sorts of buttons in me, fears that up to recently were unconscious, about lack of economic security, paying my rent, etc. Something in me feels that if I leap over that threshold fully - if I commit to Solus - there will be no ground underneath and I will fall into the abyss. It is making me very nervous! The Hanged Man is haunting me.

Leo62 said:
3. Do - 52. The Rarr
Yes!! Go for it!! Whatever it is...ride the high of this fiery energy that is flood ing through you - and enjoy the ride. This is not a time to hold back and be cautious, although it may seem to defy common sense. It's time for you to embrace the wildest impulse of your heart and let it take you where it will...And whatever you do, do for the sheer thrill of it - not because it seems correct or sensible.
I know, I know. Indi shivers at the Gate and whispers - "must I?" - The Rarr knocks him sideways - wheeeeeee! But still Indi clutches his two balls - as long as he has them both he'll be safe, right? Embracing the wildest impulse of my heart - lord, this is a dangerous thing to tell me! I have some pretty wild impulses...Some I have followed in my life, I've been in some sticky situations in the past, faced physical danger - but this material black hole gaping before me drives me close to mental meltdown...To say - to hell with all that - what a wild dream indeed!

Leo62 said:
4. Skill to develop - 57. Luathas the Wild
More rare-ing to go (or should that be Rarr-ing to go ;)). You must learn to let the fire drive you and throw caution - and fear - to the wind. Yes, it may feel like you're taking a big risk, but if you trust the radiant wisdom of Solus you will not come unstuck. Try to think in new ways about your situation. Abandon old habits of being or thinking - get wild and ridiculous with your ideas, and if they feel right - if you feel that fiery surge - then go for it. Now.
Luathas' skills - crazy fae! He's staring at me right now, defying me, daring me...I have this image of me as an old lady sitting sadly in an appartment with books and unlived dreams about her like cobwebs, muttering to her dog - I could have, if only I'd dared...Reminds me of De Niro in Raging Bull "I could've been a contender..." Yes: I don't want to be that old lady. I suppose I can always be sick and keep going - Luathas is a rather sickly colour, come to think of it, all ragged and spotty too!

It doesn't help that I've been blocked (by outside elements) in a couple of things I'd planned to do this week, which is frustrating me, given the courage I'd built up to go and do them! I suppose the reason why Luathas is squash-faced and ragged is that he must sometimes hit walls and fly through propellers!

Leo62 said:
5. Skill that you have - 32. Iris of the Rainbows
You are used to being patient and cultivating hope - nurturing the rainbow in yourself and in others. You have kept your ideals alive and refused to succumb to the storms of life. Your positive attitude will serve you well. You are used to looking to the future with hope and a sense of possibility - holding the arc of the rainbow - but now the future is the present and it's time to make a grab for that pot of gold...be like Luathas, and help yourself!
Wow, you know, you are right. All those years in the wars - which I found exilerating and heartbreaking at the same time - I would promise myself just this: one day I'll leave the humanitarian world and make writing the centre of my working life. And now I have and - eeeeek! what do I do now? Give me back my wars and my prisons! It's so much easier to write a short story or a short dialogue and think - I'll get onto the big stuff when I grow up, I'll find myself an agent and start gathering material for submission when I'm out of this. And now I am out of it. Apart from the simple fact I miss it (I became a bit of a war junkie), it was my world, my whole life - body and soul - for 6 years, and writing was the way I processed it. Now...

I love the way Iris holds the rainbow in her palm - but right now I feel like that frogwoman in the bottom left corner - constipated!!!

Leo62 said:
So much fire here. The faeries were positively incandescent with excitement. Solus is the key - he will help you to stay grounded and mediate this influx of fire. This does not seem to be a time to be cautious and practical and make lists and do things "just to be on the safe side." The overall message seems to be to act now - even if what you have in mind seems illogical, even crazy, if it feels right, if it gets you excited, then follow it - the money will come. Trust that inner fire and follow your passion.
Well, time to be sick again ;) And yes. I know I know I know! I must grab those balls off Indi and toss them into Solus's fire and dive in after them...

Thank you Leo - you certainly are a lion-hearted woman! I feel more like the lion in the Wizard of Oz, all furred up and growling and trembling inside. A repeated card in readings recently has been Strength...