Very RED decks?


OP, are you me?! I love the color red. My only tattoo is red. I find it to be such a visually striking color.

I was going to suggest the Cruel Thing and the Slow Holler, neither of which I own, both of which I covet, but I see people here have those covered. :D I also really like the look of the Dollar Tree tarot, to be honest. I would love to have one.

I bought the XIII tarot really cheap off amazon. It's mostly black and white, but with red splashes, so the red really pops when it's there. Might not be what you're after, but I figured I'd toss in a mention.

The Happy Squirrel

Gypsy Palace?


OP, are you me?! I love the color red. My only tattoo is red. I find it to be such a visually striking color.

I was going to suggest the Cruel Thing and the Slow Holler, neither of which I own, both of which I covet, but I see people here have those covered. :D I also really like the look of the Dollar Tree tarot, to be honest. I would love to have one.

I bought the XIII tarot really cheap off amazon. It's mostly black and white, but with red splashes, so the red really pops when it's there. Might not be what you're after, but I figured I'd toss in a mention.

Hahaha, I just might be you :D I have a fair few tats and none are very red, but that's something that's actually been irking me!! You're like my other half, there.

I think the Slow Holler deck is just stunning but it's much too expensive and doesn't grab me *quite* enough. What a great suggestion though, guys, it's probably my favorite one so far :)

I agree with you, bonebeach, ever since I learned about the Dollar Tree Tarot I've wanted one.

Cruel Thing is okay, not so much to my taste I don't think. But I'm surprisingly taken with the Fire Tarot and Tarot XIII!

And Gypsy Palace I already have, Happy Squirrel. Which means that you've made a lovely suggestion ;) So lovely that it was the one I couldn't resist, haha.

Thanks guys!


lol the Dollar Tree Tarot. I used to have a copy but I gave it away.

Whats black, white and red all over? the dollar tree tarot. :D

This. (Although it's actually black, brown and red). But when I saw the thread title, I was thinking it was about erotic decks suitable for the RED exchange circle. The capitals deceived me. :(

strings of life

Like others said, the Cruel Thing is wonderful (and also happens to be a GREAT reading deck).
Cruel Thing is okay, not so much to my taste I don't think
Oops, read this after I posted. If anyone sees this and likes manga or Gothic decks, or semi-illustrated Pips, I recommend it.

Not Tarot, but the Answer Deck comes to mind as well! The art is black and white, but the borders are red. I love this deck so much that I have two copies and also have all of the cards hung up on a wall at work--technically my third copy :).


Not Tarot, but the Answer Deck comes to mind as well! The art is black and white, but the borders are red. I love this deck so much that I have two copies and also have all of the cards hung up on a wall at work--technically my third copy :).


Wow, I hope I can snag a complete copy for a reasonable price sometime, at this point! That Answer Deck looks incredible! :D Thank you!


This. (Although it's actually black, brown and red). But when I saw the thread title, I was thinking it was about erotic decks suitable for the RED exchange circle. The capitals deceived me. :(

Tarot of sexual magic? red AND red?