Obsession spread


I used this spread last week with these position meanings:

1: what is it that attracts me?
2: why am I obsessed?
3: How does the obsession manifest?
4: What is the obsession trying to teach me?
5: Outcome

And it worked like a charm! Crystal clear, straight to the point with a little smack on the head for me. ;)

I highly recommend this spread.



That is a really nice spread, ive had a painful obsession over a person, and i made a personal discovery that i never realized...all thanks to you Lisaria!! It really is a magnificent spread, and a personally realizing one at that. Be prepared to be objective for those who try it though-it wont help at all without being able to say the truth the way the cards say it...


Looking for an obsession

Hi lisaria,

Cool spread. Now I'm wondering about the "when you're in the doldrums and looking for the next obsession" spread. LOL


Neat idea.

I know something I could use this spread for. It's actually something that's been on my mind a lot lately. Thanks so much for sharing! =D


Very nice. I think we all have a bit of the Devil in us sometimes...

I'm putting this one in my Big Notebook O' Tarot and trying it out later on today.



Hi Lisaria
I really think this spread is what I have been looking for. I have to try it out with a family situation. I really can't wait to do it tonight. Hmmm.... one problem though I am 4000km away from my family until Easter :(

Thanks for posting the spread!




I really love this spread! I often wonder, as i have a problem with clinging and getting attached to things. Like for example my husband, I feel every second i am not with him that I am missing out on somthing in life. I feel as though i want to be with him every second of the day.I know that is not normal and makes me a weirdo, but i just love him so much i dont want to loose him. Can Obsession be a dissorder? My Father had the same problem as far as being obssesive. Thankfully I have noticed my problem and make sure to dial down my cling lol. So anyways before i blasted off onto this long tangent of stuff lol, the main point is that your spread is very well questioned and prepared. I do like the way it is worded as i would love to overcome my Obssessive not so good qualities. :) So ty for sharing and it is definitaly going in my spread guide.I am also obsessive about automobiles, but not so much materials if that makes sense.


This is an effective spread; thanks to the original poster and all who have offered their suggestions on positions.

I changed some of the positions accordingly to suit my own needs (these are indicated by a * asterisk:

Card 1: What is it that attracts me to this person/thing/behavior?
Card 2: Why am I so obsessed with this person/thing/behavior?
Card 3: How is this obsession harming me? *
Card 4: How is this obsession helping or adding to my life?*
Card 5: What lesson do I need to learn before I can resolve this obsession (either get over it or embrace it)? *
Card 6: If I continue doing what I am now, what will be the outcome of this obsession? *

I got a few court cards among the last three positions and they've made me go, "hmmm" as court cards in certain positions often do. I might post the reading in Your Readings.



I Tried this out for a relationship that ended two ears ago for me. I have found that I am still in love with the other person, but my love for her has turned into an obsession. Now, I'm trying to get over it.

I used my Dragons Tarot for this spread, as they seem to excel at giving me in depth answers to my questions regarding relationships. I was surprised to see that the outcome (basically what would happen if I was to end the obsession here and now) would be a better reputation. This truly spoke to me, because I had not yet realized how much if an impact my obsession with one person had on everyone else around me.

So thank you Liseria for the great tarot spread!