Pick the card.


For me, after I've finished shuffling, I turn the deck faceup in my hand and close my eyes. I then showly go through the cards until I feel called to stop on a certain card. That is the card. If I want to use more than one card, I continue the process until all the cards are chosen.

I do do it with my eyes closed, but no it is not because of the physical sensation in my hands. I just keep going until something tells me it is time to stop and that is the right card. It not a physical sensation but more an emotional one.

I hope I explained that well. And yes, I agree. Your English is fine.:grin:



I'm pretty basic in my approach. I shuffle the cards (overhand method and riffling method). If I get a feeling that it is time to stop, I do so and deal from the top. If I get a sensation to cut, or riffle, or run out the door screaming then I do that as well (I wouldn't suggest that during a reading, but hey.)

It's all about how you feel comfortable doing it. If you want to pick the 1, 2 ,4, 8, 16, 32, and 64th card then by all means go ahead.


I'm very casual with my cards. No bells and whistles.
I'm not big on shuffling, 3x at the most, usually a quick toss is good enough. I cut the deck in thirds while I'm still holding it. The deck stays in my hand the entire time start to finish, so I sort of fan them in my hand and I draw from the middle of the deck, wherever my fingers stop. I always use both the bottom and top card, and if it's a quickie I use just those 2 cards
A lot of times I'm just too lazy to shuffle so I just cut :)


I have always had difficulty in "knowing" when to stop. I feel that shuffling and shuffling will make my mind wounder... How do you know when its time to stop.
I draw from the top of the deck...


My hands have never been all that great at shuffling (I've been meaning to use a deck of playing cards to practice shuffling randomly with!) so because of that when a card slides out, etc. I usually do not consider that in the reading -- I make a separate note of it sometimes though.

I shuffle until it feels right (which I found hard to figure at first but it seems like intuition here grows the more it's used... I used to shuffle a particular number of times when I wasn't as sure with knowing when to stop). Then I cut the deck into 3 piles and choose the cards (almost always from the top of any of the 3 piles).

I keep my eyes open but still also often choose based on the way a card feels when I hold it... they'll either look or feel "right" to me. (I like to use as many senses as possible during readings, though I guess there's no way to get taste in there! ;) )


You know, the way of choosing the cards that seems to work the very best for me is one that might cause others to think I'm "cheating" but I'm not. It really does work the best for me. But if anyone else tries it, they have to be very sure to totally empty their minds of any preconceived attitudes about the question by a few minutes of silent meditation.

I shuffle the cards awhile till it seems ready and then, with the cards facing me, after emptying my mind of any judgmental attitude, I go through the cards and each one that applies to answer the question just "lets me know". I don't know how else to explain it. I don't know if anyone else uses this method or has tried it, but it's what works very well for me.

I don't use this method for other people, though. I'm sure it would be misunderstood and mistrusted since it's so unconventional.

So the method I use for others is that I shuffle, cut, and deal off the top. I know using the "Shadow card" off the bottom of the deck is very popular right now, but after quite a bit of experimenting with it, it never adds anything much to readings for me so I don't use it. I also don't use clarifying cards for the same reasons.

I came back to emphasize the importance of emptying your mind of preconceived attitudes about the people or the question because otherwise, this method is very vulnerable to becoming just a venue for your own opinions. Therefore it requires an open mind and impeccable self-discipline.


I shuffle till they feel cooked, cut into three stacks, deal from the top. Anything else, to me, feel superfluous. Fanning always felt so messy to me.


if i have the space i do love the 'all over the floor' method, i think it reminds me of being a child and i can thenpick any card that i want.

But i dont think it gives a better , a normal shuffle and no cutting cards seems to do the same though.

but once in a while instead of re-ordering i spread the cards out and mix just to have a good mix as i cant riffle


For me, after I've finished shuffling, I turn the deck faceup in my hand and close my eyes. I then showly go through the cards until I feel called to stop on a certain card. That is the card. If I want to use more than one card, I continue the process until all the cards are chosen.

That sounds an interesting method. I think I may try that a few times and see how I get on : )


Thanks for all the reply!
It's really great to see how others choose their cards.
I find myself not knowing when to stop shuffling and doubting the cards that i picked.
It's kind of like, maybe i wasn't following my intuition well therefore the cards came out wrong and altered the reading.
Another question out of curiosity, if you were to read for someone else, do you usually let the sitter pick the card?Or do you do it yourself?