One year later...



I have had another crack at this deck, and find that it reads well. I love the art.


i'm always haunted by that deck. i dont really have a wish list anymore (as i have plenty on my tarot plate) but that too has been something i've looked alot at ever since it came out but dont have.

You were referring to the Tyldwick here. Get it. Getitgetitgetit. :D I have had my Tyldwick deck for about a year, and "haunting" is the perfect word for it. Not an easy reader, but it is just as beautiful and just as mysterious as it was a year ago, and there is always more for me to explore and discover in these cards. I love to spend time wandering through this atmospheric deck.

The one Le Fanu mentions, Night sun, is one I really loved from first sight. Deliciously creepy, blood red velvet and heavy perfume and turkish delight and gurus with snakes galore.

Jeez, did you have to be so enabling with your description? On to the wish list it goes. **Sigh** :)