21 Ways ... A SPECIAL EXERCISE for both Apprentice & Adept Level participants.


I had indicated that I was going to introduce a special exercise for the ADEPT level participants of "21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card". Then I thought to myself, since we didn't do this at the Apprentice Level, why don't we include them also?

Both APPRENTICE and ADEPT Level Participants are invited! Only those who have posted prior to Oct. 22nd can participate!

We will be using all or any of the many tools we have been given to date through this exercise. Everyone will use their chosen or favorite deck. We will strive to incorporate those ways of using the cards that seem appropriate to the cards drawn, their positions and positional meanings, and your personal approach. Yes, we will be doing a reading!

We will use the Triangle Spread of Juliet Sharman-Burke, co-author of the Mythic Tarot (with Liz Greene).

........../ \
...-- 1 ----2 --

A pair of cards make up each side of the Triangle, #1 and #2 at the bottom representing (together) the Present Condition, #3 and #4 up the right side representing the immediate future, and #5 and #6 down the left side representing the long term future. Card #7 represents two conditions; first it represents an overall influence in terms of its general meaning to the whole spread reading. Secondly, we CAN choose to use it (or ignore it) as a modifier for each pair of cards -- using Robert Place's method of "energy flow" depending up whether the card is facing one way or the other, part way to one and not the other, or facing forward.

We have worked a lot with one or a few cards in these exercises. What I would like to do is to take us out of any familiar context we have been working within and to thrust us into a challenge in which we see things in a very different way.

1) Using two cards instead of one card (as in a Past-Present-Future spread) sets us up to blend diverse meanings into one richer meaning.

2) Using the central #7 card as an "influence" that is applied to all three pairs of cards means that we have to be aware that one period of time and conditions generally leads to another period of time and conditions within an overall "theme" which can be affected by the society we operate within or the attitudes that we carry forward with us, etc.

3) If we choose to use Robert Place's energy flow approach, we may find that we can deepen and expand our insights into each pair of cards. Let me give an example using the Waite-Smith tarot deck:
Card #1; Ace of Wands. Card #7; Three of Hearts. Card #2; Eight of Wands.

"You took quick actions which lead to a reversal of your hopes and wishes. Now you feel remorse and pain for being so hasty." In this example, the three of swords has now face, it applies to the whole current situation (both cards).

Another example: #1; World. #7; Death. #2; Four of Cups.

"You feel as if you have graduated into a full life. There is a cause to celebrate. However, every achievement and advance in life opens doors and closes other doors. You need to recognize that there is already a sense of discontent in your achievements that needs to be recognized." In this example, Death is facing toward the celebration card (four of wands), and thereby indicates that you already understand that this achievement has to continue forward and be leveraged or changed into something more. By itself, these accomplishments are not enough.


First, consider this much like a PPF reading, simple in its concept. Except, you will need to use two cards for each meaning instead of one card.

Second, (Option A) just read the three dual-positions and use card #7 as an overall influence card. How will it change your reading of the three sides of the spread?

Second, (Option B) read each pair of cards and modify their combined meanings by the central card.

Third (and this is optional), use the direction of the central card to put the focus on one or the other of a pair of cards, or utilize the card in a neutral way (if facing forward). Which card is more influenced by the center card? Certain suites or numbers may be more aligned or adversely affected.

Finally, work as much of what you have learned in 21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card into your reading as you feel comfortable with. You may use one or a few of the steps or more of them. We have covered, in the book, topics such as:
** Descriptions -- what you see, primarily and in detail, in the card.
** Emotions -- what the card imparts in emotional energy.
** Story -- how we can pull a story out of a card, or several cards.
** Numbers, Modes, Suit, Element -- what ties some cards together.
** Synthesis -- how blending can change meaning between cards in a spread (such as between card #2 and #5, or between card #3 and #7) for example.
** Metaphor -- how a cards image can represent other things in life.
** Myth -- how does basic myth and story lines shape our perception of a reading's meaning.

REMEMBER: This is actually a 3-card spread in concept, and it offers you a way to spread your wings by challenging yourselves to incorporate some considerations that you might not use much or at all. You can deepen and extend the 3-card-turned-into-6-cards spread by using the central card for an overall influence, by using it as an influence on each pair of cards, or using it to modify the energy flow between pairs of cards. Have fun. Dave


Nice exercise I have 2 questions.

1. What does PPF reading mean?
2. Can I do this reading with my study buddy or does it have to be with a person in front of me? Is this a reading for self or others?


Answers to questions

"PPF" stands for the "Past-Present-Future" spread --- the most basic spread in Tarot. James Ricklef, in his Tarot Tells The Tale book, describes a number of these basic spreads.
** Present, Near Future, Far Future
** Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
** Body, Mind, Spirit
** Body, Mind, Emotions
** Background, Problem, Advice
** Basis of a relationship, patterns of resistance or difficulties in a relationship, the most effective way to improve a relationship.
** "Yes, if...", "Maybe, if..." and "No, if...."
** Choice A, deciding factor, Choice B.
** Blessing you bring into your life, Blessings that others bring to you, Blessings that the Universe is bringing you.

Using a study buddy is a great idea. I had not suggested it for the practical reason that I feared that everyone would post asking for study buddies and that the list would get confused with all of that posting instead of posting readings.



Dave's reading for the special exercise

This very flexible spread that we are using is a long time favorite of mine. The positions can be used in varied ways and changed to meet many questions. I will follow the basic process detailed in my lead-in post.

I have dealt the following cards using the Fey Tarot.


#1: JUSTICE. A pale Fey with white-blind eyes looks upward, her small hands held out with palm facing each other. A feather floats between her hands. An eye is drawn in the middle of her forehead. Shadows of buildings and windows are behind her.

#2: THREE of SWORDS. A male Fey stands in surf, gazing down at his chest on which is a bright orange-red sword image. The sky is clouded, with either a dawn or evening sky in soft reds on the horizon. The wind blows his har and wings.

#3: FOOL: This Fey is clothed a tunic, green in front and purple in the back, loads of keys are dangling from his arms, belt and clothing. A huge crown with a keyhole is upon his head. He holds a glowing pumpkin in his hands at which he gazes with awe. Darkness surrounds him.

#4: SEVEN of WANDS. A green-tinted female Fey is dancing and holding a staff. She faces away, a small tree is in the foreground with glowing red-yellow pods on its little branches. The Fey faces several dark, cloud-like bat shapes approaching her.

#5: FOUR of PENTACLES. A Fey in jester's clothing sits upon a giant pentacle. His leg is chained to the pentacle, the key lies upon the floor within reach and sight. He stares ahead, his head in his hand. The pentacle has large jewels in it, candles burn nearby.

#6: TEMPERANCE. A ethereal Fey stands waist deep in water, her long hair wet and stringy. She glances upward at four goldfish swimming in the air about her. Long staffs are upright about her, with smoke drifting up from pots on top of the staffs. Her arms morph from smoothness to a pine-cone like texture as the dangle in the watter.

#7: QUEEN of CHALICES. This Queen Fey seems to sit calmly underwater, a stream of bubbles drifting upward from a large chalice held in her hands. She wears a fine gown of gold color, her hair is very avant-gard and stylish.


The Present Condition; cards 1 and 2.
Justice represents the presence of order in your universe, the 3 of swords portrays one who is in pain but is trying to separate himself from that pain. Justice shows that one can control things in many ways, not only with sight, but with understanding and will. The 3 of Swords stands in the universe as shown by the sea and surf, while comtemplating this strange design on his chest. This pair of cards tells us that life may be difficult to understand and to deal with, even seem unfair. But we need to recognize that we are here to deal with our quiet pain and challenge while rising above it or placing the difficult aspects of life beside us.

Using the center card, we note the Queen of Chalices is facing Justice, that what we hold and comptemplate is drifting away. This suggests that my perspective and higher self is slipping away from the better path, and that I am slipping towards identifying more with my apparent situation.

The Near-term Future; cards #3 and #4.
The Fool points to the practice of being too-easily distracted, amazed by what seems to come to him, rather than staying on his path. The 7 of Wands is trying to protect something that is partly grown while fending off threats that are vague but also persistent. Together, this pair tells me that I will realize that I have been distracted to some degree and that I will have to work to get back into controlling my direction.

Bringing the central card into this, it would seem that the distractive part of my life can/will diminish, that my ideas will be defended and held.

The Far Future; Cards #5 and #6.
The foolish 4 of Pentacles has to get off his butt and pick up the key to his lack of movement. Temperance recognizes distractions (the fish) for what they are. She stands between a spiritual haze that cleanses the air around her. Her arms tell of how what she reaches for changes her just as she changes what she reaches for.

The center card faces these two cards with calmness. She knows that a breakthrough moment will come, that sudden decisions will move past the period of distraction and seeming real-world issues of the moment.


The present situation: The contrast is obvious, what can't be seen is what is under control, what is seen is not controllable. The trust of a child is better than the worries of an adult. The calm queen, holding the middle of the spread, sees what is drifting away--she can see dissipation of distractions or of proper direction. She doesn't have to make a choice. but she might.

The near future: A willy-nilly whirl of dealing with illusions. The Fool finds a useless attraction of little purpose, the 7 of Swords is preparing to face a threat that isn't real to protect something that is not yet finished. Puzzlement, foolishness. How do you feel these things? Is disdain a feeling?

The far future: How long can this stupid stuff last? Get off of the wall, take a chance and jump down, go for it. GOOOO! Can't you see the goofy stuff?

This spread is scary. At least it scares me. I finished a book last winter, spent the spring editing the draft. Then I took the summer off to get some distance/perspective from what I had written before going back to the book and refining it to fit a publishing model. Then the bright idea to join a national organization of astrologers and starting a web-site to gain feedback for all of my ideas. Just a way to get a sense of the market before entering it.

This is telling me that I need to get going, stop worrying about what other think or how I see their views. I've go my own vision and I should be doing what needs to be done. How does this make me feel? Torn between the logic of going about things in a business-like manner and just trusting my work over the years. OR, OR, OR am I worrying about whether I'm doing this right, and the spread is telling me to go with my plan and not to think of changing it. CLARIFICATION, I need clarification here. Panic. No, no panic but just a little curiosity about the underlying messages.

Look at the contrasts here in these cards: Seeing and not seeing, trust versus fear, in control versus up to my butt in water -- and that's just the first two cards. Next, seeing things that I want versus seeing things that I don't want, grabbing or holding back, having the keys versus not having a clue. The last pair of cards isn't much better: Sitting and not seeing versus standing and seeing things for what they are. And that central queen, just doing nothing while seeing everything. We have contrasts, not in terms of color or light or actions or intent, just contrasts of understanding and stupidity or something.

Oh well, that's it for the moment. Maybe, again, later. Dave


Feed Back for Dave

First this is the most animated I have seen you so I think this reading struck home in more ways then one.

I enjoyed how you started with the picture's on the cards combined them with the energy flow with the 3'rd card. This was a very full ; energy and Graphic reading.

Have you considered meditating on the chariot and hanging man cards and feel which ones will work better for you? maybe it is a combination of both.

If my study buddy is not back today i will do my reading tomorrow on my self followed by A long distance kick in the shins for not waiting for her.


Using Osho Zen...

The base cards for Present Condition...
#1 3 of Rainbows (Pents)~Guidance~
#2 6 of Rainbows ~Compromise~

The colors for present condition are muted compared the outside triangle. I see cards 1,2, & 7 as a triangle within a greater triangle.
Both of these cards are Rainbows/Pents, earth element.

3 of Rainbows is depicted as one human figure following behind an angelic figure. The human appears to waver a bit and does face the 6 of Rainbows/Pents.
6 of Rainbows (card 2) pictures two sumo wrestlers slightly turned inward to each other, touching only pinkies. They do not seem pleased to be in each others company. What ever compromise was reached wasn't in the happiest spirit.
The colors are muted and a tad bit on the "cold" side...blues and greens in the background.

3&6's repeat in this 7 card spread. These are the first two. I see the present issue involves having to cooperate with others who are not of like-mind.
From the 3 of Rainbows, I see that there are helpers willing and ready to assist, if only the querent asks. Also, much to be learned from this experience if he choses to do so.
Two minor arcana, involving money, therefore work related issues. I also think that since it is an earth element here, things may progress slowly.

The Center Card...
Card #7 is 7 of Clouds/Swords~Politics~.
This is the card of general influence to the entire spread.
It has a sinister looking man holding a smiley face mask. In front of him is a snake covered in clouds. The background is a dark green as is the man's face.
I tie the difficulty at work with problems discerning people's true nature. Either people at work are not who they say they are or the querent is experiencing stress on a mental level, or both. Out of the 3 cards mentioned, this is the coldest as far as colors go. Clouds/swords is air, the mind is involved, communication is affected. 7 generally is a number I associate with control, or a need for it. I think the people at the querent's job are difficult to understand, or the querent makes them out to be worse than they are. Something is confused in the thought processes.

The immediate future are both major arcana.
#3 XI Breakthrough
#4 XIV Integration
Both are very vibrant.
Breakthough has a person pushing forward with a light force that seems to emanate from the center of his body. The power/light comes from within and works out.
Integration has both vibrant and muted colors. There is a sense of balance with the center yin/yang circle.
An eagle is on the left of the card and a swan, on the right. At the bottom of the card, a snake swallows its own tail.

I think that much can be learned at this job. It will not only provide money, and activity, but also the querent will find something new about themselves and how to relate to others.
Going back to the center card, card #7, it looks straight forward, it does not relate to either side of the triangle directly.
I think both major arcana have to do with a personal enlightenment (Breakthrough)and finding one's inner strength (Integration). Both of these cards will subdue this general influence given by the 7 of Clouds.

The longterm future...
#5 3 of Fire~Experiencing~
#6 6 of Fire~Success~

Fire is like wands which shows inspiration, joy, enthusiasm.
3 of Fire shows a woman hugging a tree. The colors are rich and deep. Reds and oranges.
6 of Fire shows a man on a tiger with his arms stretched out to the heavens. He is literally on top of the world while streams of confetti float over him.
I think that eventually circumstances at work will turn in the querents favor. The key, I think, is to stay long enough to reap the benefits. Suddenly what was slow moving, if not stagnant in the 6 of Rainbows, is fast moving as the energy becomes 6 of Fire.
Earth and fire can have a purifying effect. The ground made new for life on it to begin again. So there is stress in this process but major benefits in self-development.
I seldom read for my step-dad, so I was happy when he agreed to help me. I am also grateful that this read had meaning for him.
Thanks for this exercise Dave:)


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The Triangle Spread . . . and more.

I'm glad that you benefited from this spread and exercise. There is more to this spread than what we have done here. One innovation is to treat each pair as separate-but-connected, seeing them in a "cause and effect" pairing.

For example, in my reading JUSTICE would define the cause of my present condition, THREE of SWORDS would be how I reacted and now act. Justice would indicate that I was seeking a broader "truth" behind what I believed to be the better way to practice astrological prediction. I did this by reaching out to the active community of astrologers. Three of Swords would indicate my unexpected reaction to what I ran into.

Doing the same for the second pair; the Fool would show what might delay the future, the Seven of Wands what is necessary to stay on course. Fool shows that distractions are still occurring, while Seven of Wands shows that I must now consider whether to battle those distractions to protect the core of what I have done, or just see the distractions as what they are -- possibly helpful, possibly un-helpful.

Applying this for the third pair, Four of Pentacles and Temperance we would see those positions (again) the Four of P. would indicate delays, Temperance would show the solution to reach my goals. The Four would tell me that more action and thought is needed at this point and it is up to me to get going, while Temperance tells me to maintain a balance as I go forward.

So, the spread reading takes on a different character and modifies its message quite a bit. The center card, in this context, then says to not be so self-judgmental, to be calmer about how I assess this situation and to indeed find a balance that lets the process work itself out. A whole different ending.

What do you guys think of this twist? Dave


For Dave...

I also enjoyed your read Dave, you sound very flustered and passionate, all at the same time, lol!
It's good being confused, or at least having doubts, gets the blood going!
Just some notes as you were describing your cards...
It does sound like something is calling forth your attention, even something daunting, but with that Queen in the center. I think you said she's underwater? Bubbles floating forth? going upward?
There's your orientation...follow the bubbles, lol.
She cannot hear, she cannot talk underwater, just the constant beat of her heart.
I think you are correct...your work will stand up for itself, no need for feedback from others...or from me, hehe:D
ok, just my 2 cents, nice read Dave!


dadsnook2000 said:
I'm glad that you benefited from this spread and exercise. There is more to this spread than what we have done here. One innovation is to treat each pair as separate-but-connected, seeing them in a "cause and effect" pairing.

For example, in my reading JUSTICE would define the cause of my present condition, THREE of SWORDS would be how I reacted and now act. Justice would indicate that I was seeking a broader "truth" behind what I believed to be the better way to practice astrological prediction. I did this by reaching out to the active community of astrologers. Three of Swords would indicate my unexpected reaction to what I ran into.

Doing the same for the second pair; the Fool would show what might delay the future, the Seven of Wands what is necessary to stay on course. Fool shows that distractions are still occurring, while Seven of Wands shows that I must now consider whether to battle those distractions to protect the core of what I have done, or just see the distractions as what they are -- possibly helpful, possibly un-helpful.

Applying this for the third pair, Four of Pentacles and Temperance we would see those positions (again) the Four of P. would indicate delays, Temperance would show the solution to reach my goals. The Four would tell me that more action and thought is needed at this point and it is up to me to get going, while Temperance tells me to maintain a balance as I go forward.

So, the spread reading takes on a different character and modifies its message quite a bit. The center card, in this context, then says to not be so self-judgmental, to be calmer about how I assess this situation and to indeed find a balance that lets the process work itself out. A whole different ending.

What do you guys think of this twist? Dave

I like this cause and effect take Dave!
So if I take my cards...

Cause:3 of Pents~Guidance~
a williness to be guided to new employment, open to a new experience?
Effect: 6 of Pents~Compromise~
wasn't what he thought it would be. confronted with challenges in regards to dealing with difficult people. As a result, he will learn more about himself.
soon with Cause:XI Breakthrough-
a realization that he is still in control and can start by changing his own perception of given events.
Effect: XIV Integration
will act in a more balanced manner.

Eventually there will be:
Cause: 3 of Fire~Experiencing~
A deep understanding of querent's own purpose, feeling one does have a role to play.
Effect: 6 of Fire~Success~
perhaps a promotion.

the center card 7 of clouds...what started this...a need to understand and correct perceptions of self and others.

well, I think I know what your getting at Dave, thanks.


For squeakmo9

Everyone says we can learn from our challenges if only we stick with it. But, that is harder done than said. I've had a couple of people in my working lifetime that I didn't respect or like. It creates a tension in the workplace if you aren't careful.

In most cases we all find a few turkey hanging out with the eagles. Not everyone comes into our working space with the same motivations and goals, never mind work skills and people skills. This group has to worked with, they aren't like the first instance. What is amazing is how the cards adapt so well to dealing with any question or problem.

In these cases, the Tarot is much more effective than Astrology. Astrology takes more work, gives you much more information, and requires you to be very knowledgeable to pull out the segments of information you need from all of the information that you get. Dave